
imgui lua wrapper

Primary LanguageLua

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LuaJIT C-ImGui Wrapper

This holds some C++-overloaded-operator API wrappers of the cimgui LuaJIT function calls. It also holds some lua-table-to-C-pointer wrappers. And for kicks it has some wrappers for showing the text as a hover label instead of next to the widget.


I'm currently using the cimgui v1.90.5dock API.

cimgui build instructions:

git clone https://github.com/cimgui/cimgui
cd cimgui
git checkout tags/1.90.5dock
git submodule update --init --recursive

# now change the Makefile in cimgui:
# apply these changes to the Makefile in the cimgui base folder:
	OBJS += ./imgui/backends/imgui_impl_sdl2.o
	OBJS += ./imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.o
	CXXFLAGS += -Iwherever/you/put/the/SDL2/include
	OUTPUTNAME = libcimgui_sdl.so

# then build:
make all

# then install libcimgui_sdl.so somewhere where your OS or applications will find libraries.