BoldBandicoot is a multi-purpose server using Lua as scripting engine and ENet as network layer
make && ./server.out
Usage: server.out [script=<script>] [port=<port>] [tickrate=<tickrate>] [timeout=<timeout>]
script Server's Lua script path: Must be the entry point
port Server's port
tickrate Server's update frequency in seconds
timeout Server's network timeout in seconds
api.Send(peer:lightuserdata, message:string) -> void
Sends a message to a peer
api.SendAll(server:lightuserdata, message:string) -> void
Broadcasts a message:string to all the connected peers
api.StrPacket(packet:lightuserdata) -> string
Retreives the packet's content as a string
api.Disconnect(peer:lightuserdata, reason:number) -> void
Disconnects a peer
api.ForceDisconnect(peer:lightuserdata) -> void
Forces to disconnect a peer
onUpdate(server:lightuserdata, dt:number) -> void
onConnect(server:lightuserdata, peer:lightuserdata) -> void
onDisconnect(server:lightuserdata, peer:lightuserdata) -> void
onPacket(server:lightuserdata, peer:lightuserdata, packet:lightuserdata) -> void
$ git clone
$ cd enet
$ sudo apt-gen install autogen autoconf libtool
$ autoreconf -vfi
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install
$ curl -R -O
$ tar -xf lua-5.2.4.tar.gz
$ cd lua-5.2.4
$ make linux && sudo make install