

The goal of the following exercices is to practice basic shell handling.

In order to make the most of it, please follow the simple rules availables for each exercice.

Looking up on the internet for help can be recommended, but using man <COMMAND> is better for your overall understanding.

For each exercice, there might be a 2 symbols:

  • (?) indicates an hint
  • /!\ is need-to-know information

All exercices should be short. As soon as an exercice becomes tedious, there is probably a better way.

All exercices must be handled using your terminal rather than your file explorer.

For all exercices, please restraint yourself from looking at the source code of the given resources.

Whenever a binary needs to be executed, ensure you are in the exercice's namespace, unless explicitly told otherwise.

Keep in mind that there is no "wrong" or "right" way to handle a specific problem.

How to use

Each directory in this repository is an exercice. For each of those exercices, the contains the exercice's goal.

In order to verify that you successfully "passed" the exercices, you should validate them using the at the root of the repository. You shall use it as the following:

$ ./

Useful links


GNU Core commands