
"It is called standup because your code is a joke" and other one-liners

Primary LanguagePHP

Standup Comedy

"It is called standup because your code is a joke" and other one-liners.

-- Me


Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/theoboldalex/standup_comedy.git

Inspect the data

wc -l worker_bees.csv

head -n 1 worker_bees.csv

cat worker_bees.csv

Work through the exercises

There are a number of exercises listed below. Solve them in any way you see fit. There is no wrong or right way to do this. Just use the tools you are most comfortable with, practice and pick up some new tools, tips and utilities along the way.


If you accidentally (or purposefully) bork your input file, simply generate a new one by running make.



From here on out we will refer to worker_bees.csv the "input file".

Print the number of columns contained in the input file.

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awk -F, '{print NF; exit}' worker_bees.csv


perl -F, -lane 'print scalar @F; exit' worker_bees.csv


head -n 1 worker_bees.csv | tr -dc ',\n' | wc -c

What is the higest salary of all worker bees?

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awk -F, 'NR > 1 && $7 > max {max=$7} END{print max}' worker_bees.csv

What is the total yearly salary of the worker bees based in France?

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awk -F, '$6 ~ /FR/ {ts+=$7} END{print ts}' worker_bees.csv

What is the job title of the oldest worker bee?

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awk && shell

awk -F, 'NR > 1 {print $4 " " $5}' worker_bees.csv | sort | head -n 1

Which country has the highest headcount?

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awk -F, 'NR > 1 {ciso[$6]++} END{for (c in ciso){print c ": " ciso[c]}}' worker_bees.csv

Print the full name and job title of all worker bees that have fred in their name.


Beware some worker bee names may not be all lower cased.

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awk -F, '/[fF]red/ {print $1 " " $2 " " $5}' worker_bees.csv

What is the most common job title for a worker bee? Print a table of all job titles and the frequency with which they appear

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awk -F, 'NR > 1 {titles[$5]++} END{for (t in titles) {print t ": " titles[t]}}' worker_bees.csv

How many lead developers are there working from the US?

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awk -F, '/Lead Developer/ && $7 = "US" {c+=1} END{print c}' worker_bees.csv

Make a copy of the input file but convert the format from csv to tsv

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sed 's/,/\t/g' worker_bees.csv > worker_bees.tsv

Make a new row of data right below the headers with your name and the job title Scrum Mainer

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awk -F, 'NR == 1 {print; print "Alex,Theobold,alex.theobold@shitpost.ing,1987-06-30,\"Scrum Mainer\",UK,69420"} NR > 1' worker_bees.csv > tmp && mv tmp worker_bees.csv