
A Number of extras if possible for use with BMS systems

Closed this issue · 5 comments

BFT/ Bag Filter
PFT/ Panel Filter

All below are to add further information to other existing Abbreviations e.g FLWTPS Flow temperature sensor

Flw/ Flow
Rtn/ Return
EOL/ End of line
FSW/ Flow Switch
OA/ Outside
GAS/ Gas Circuit
Su/ Supply
Ex/ Extract
Rc/ Recoup
Al/ Alarm
En/ Enable
Fbk/ Feedback


Hi Sam,

Just to clarify, is the request to add the 2 new abbreviations below?

BFT/ Bag Filter
PFT/ Panel Filter

With regards to the list of attributes following these two abbreviations, are all the attributes related to temperature sensor or a different device?

Thank you Sam.

We can add:
BFT/ Bag Filter
PFT/ Panel Filter

With regards to "The below are to be used as further descriptions for some of the abbreviation you already have for example Flow Temperature Sensor - FLWTPS or Flow Pressure Sensor - FLWPS" is this a request for us to amend existing abbreviation with this information, or is it a note about tagging and metadata?

gonna make a PR for this now -

just ot confirm, my reading is that it refers to IfcFilter - AIRPARTICLEFILTER

e.g. Bag Filter:
e.g Panel Filter:,4293284500,4293325256,4293325884

also note that there are many types of filter already...
