
An opensource bundle that integrates SendGrid API to send emails via their mailing service

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An opensource bundle that integrates SendGrid API to send emails via their mailing service

How to install it with composer ?

The bundle is not yet referenced in Packagist, so you will have to include these lines in your composer.json :

"repositories": [
        "url": "git@github.com:theodo/SendGridMailerBundle.git",
        "type": "vcs"

Then under its "require" section :

    "theodo/send-grid-mailer-bundle": "dev-master"

If your minimum-stability is "stable", instead of lowering it, you can directly add this "dev" sub-dependency in your project :

    "mashape/unirest-php": "dev-master@dev"

Then run :

composer update theodo/send-grid-mailer-bundle

How to use it ?

Sending mail is easy :

  • define "sendgrid.user_login" and "sendgrid.user_password" in your parameters.yml
  • get the "theodo_send_grid_mailer.mailer" service and use the "sendEmail" function
  • enjoy

Note that you also have a SendGridEmailFactory available.