
Starter kit to accelerate the development and deployment of a Sylius-based e-commerce website

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🚀 Your Sylius storefront is live within 30 minutes!

This template builds a Sylius application for Platform.sh, which can be used as a starting point for developing complex e-commerce applications.

Sylius is a modern e-commerce solution for PHP, based on Symfony Framework.

How to Install the project locally

You can check the documentation to install locally

How to deploy the project on Platform.sh

You can check the project documentation to deploy on Platform.sh deploy on Platform.sh


  • Sylius 1.12
  • PHP 8.1
  • MySQL 10.2
  • Automatic TLS certificates
  • composer-based build


By default, Sylius ignores the composer.lock file in Git. Once you have deployed the template, it is a good idea to remove composer.lock from .gitignore and commit it, so that you can benefit from repeatable builds on Platform.sh.


The following changes have been made relative to a plain Sylius 1.11 project. If using this project as a reference for your own existing project, replicate the changes below to your project.

  • The .platform.app.yaml, .platform/services.yaml, and .platform/routes.yaml files have been added. These provide Platform.sh-specific configuration and are present in all projects on Platform.sh. You may customize them as you see fit.
  • An additional Composer library, platformsh/symfonyflex-bridge, has been added. It automatically maps Platform.sh's environment variables to Symfony environment variables where possible. It leverages the platformsh/config-reader library.
