
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cluster Version Operator (CVO)

Building and Publishing CVO

./hack/build-image.sh && REPO=<your personal repo (quay.io/ahbinavdahiya | docker.io/abhinavdahiya)> ./hack/push-image.sh
  1. This builds image locally and then pushes ${VERSION} and latest tags to ${REPO}/origin-cluster-version-operator.

  2. ${VERSION} encodes the Git commit used to build the images.

Building release image using local CVO

  1. Make sure you have oc binary from https://github.com/openshift/origin master as it requires adm release subcommand.

  2. Run the following command to create release-image at docker.io/abhinavdahiya/origin-release:latest:

oc adm release new -n origin \
    --from-image-stream=origin-v4.0 \
    --to-image-base=docker.io/abhinavdahiya/origin-cluster-version-operator:latest \
    --to-image docker.io/abhinavdahiya/origin-release:latest

Installing CVO and operators in cluster.

  1. Use CVO render to render all the manifests from release-payload to a directory. Refer the Using CVO to render the release-image locally section for more information.

  2. Create the operators from the manifests by using oc create -f <directory when CVO rendered manifests>.

Using CVO to render the release-image locally

  1. Run the following command to get render the release-payload contents to /tmp/cvo
podman run --rm -ti \
    -v /tmp/cvo:/tmp/cvo:z \
    <release image> \
        render \
        --output-dir=/tmp/cvo \
        --release-image="<release image>"

<release image> can be personal release image generated using this or Origin's release image like registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/openshift/origin-release:v4.0.

Running CVO tests

# Run all unit tests
go test ./...

# Run integration tests against a cluster (creates content in a given namespace)
# Requires the CVO CRD to be installed.
export KUBECONFIG=<admin kubeconfig>
TEST_INTEGRATION=1 go test ./... -test.run=^TestIntegration


Contributions welcome!