MobX Explorations

Getting things up and running

  1. yarn
  2. yarn build --watch
  3. yarn serve (in a separate terminal window)
  4. Visit localhost:3000/ to load the application and compare the two different implementations!
  5. You can open the Javascript console on any of the pages to see the performance. To see how they stack up side-by-side, you can open two separate windows in your browser.


  • The /mobx-optimal window will fill up with gray squares faster than the /naive window
  • The gap between naive React useState and MobX shrinks when compiling with NODE_ENV=production. The React version is unbearably slow when using the development bundle. MobX works fine though!
  • The speed increases from the new createRoot from react-dom/client is considerable compared to render from react-dom. This is part of React 18's batching.