
Brain to brain learning for Hasson Lab project.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Conda Environment

To activate this environment, use

$ conda activate brain2brain_env

To deactivate an active environment, use

$ conda deactivate

Note: brain2brain_env.yml contains only packages that were explicitly installed while brain2brain_env_all.yml contains all packages. brain2brain_env.yml contains only packages that are compatible across platforms.

Run model

Coming soon


Coming Soon

Open Interactive Jupyter Lab on a GPU-enabled node.

First, queue a job. Make sure to edit jupyter.sh with the time you need. $ sbatch utils/jupyter.sh

Second, look at the log file to see how to access the Jupyter Lab from your machine. $ cat jupyter... (use TAB to autocomplete the filename)

In a different terminal:

$ ssh -N -f -L ${port}:${node}:${port} ${user}@${cluster}.princeton.edu (where port, node, user, and cluster are specified in the jupyter.sh)

And then in a browser go to localhost:8001.