
Cuneiform sign database and flashcard app

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Cuneiform flashcard app

This is repo contains the website code and the tools for a cuneiform flashcard app. The app relies on pyodide and is written in Python. The web UI uses Bootstrap 5.3


The data for the sign list was compiled from several sources:

with some checking against the EPSD. It is however still and amateur effort, please report any issues using the Github issues link.

The database

The actual database containing the signs, syllabograms, and logograms is contained in the file cuneiform.db. This is a python 3.9 sqllite3 database, it should be accessible in python 3 -- at least, on Windows. It might work on other OS'es but has not been tried. If you want a copy of the original data, contact me.

The raw data that was used to assemble the database is in sourcdata.tsv, a tab-separate spreadsheet, in the tools folder. Note that the database includes some improvements over the organization of the sheet (for example, the sheet does not include the subscripts for different logogram versions). On the other hand sourcedata.tsv includes a number of signs and compounds that are not used in the actual app.


© 2023 Steve Theodore. This project is shared under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)