Welcome to Project IME-USP for classes MAC 242 :

Source :

Authors: Théo Dury, Thiago Ivan, Monica Silva, Antônio Lima.

About: This project is part of the activities required in the Programming Laboratory 2 subject. It is developed by four students.

Configuration (Installation Cloud9) :

  • Connect to
  • Create new workspace
  • Add workspace name
  • Add description
  • Add Clone from Git or Mercurial URL ""
  • Choose a template (Use Ruby on Rails Tutorial)

Installing Rails :

  • gem install rails -v 4.2.2

Bundler :

  • cd app/
  • bundle install --without production
  • bundle exec rake db:migrate

Run :

  • rails server -b $IP -p $PORT

More information

Happy coding! The Zeta team