A simple Mario bot using NEAT GA

Main requirements

  • python3
  • pip3
  • SuperMarioBros ROM (provided)
  • fceux (apt-install)

Create a virtual environment if necessary

  • python3 -m venv .env; source .env/bin/activate Execute : pip3 install -r requirements.txt Note : For older system, manual install requirements of older versions

Note : gym-retro might require to install via source files : Here

To install the SuperMarioBros ROM (requires manual installation):

  • File : rom.nes
  • Dest : <" directory to gym-retro ">/gym-retro/retro/data/stable/SuperMarioBros-Nes/ Note : the directory to retro varies according to system (For Debain/Ubuntu env : /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/) or if installed via source files, go to location of the gitclone.

Run : python3 Note : provided with the file are the pre-excuted checkpoints (only till gen99) for easier completion of training. If you wish to train from the first set line 10 to False.