To start scss compilation : npm run watch-css

To start the project :

  • npm install
  • npm start

Usage :

  • Drag and drop nodes from tray.
  • Use mouse scroll to zoom in and out.
  • Shift + Left click : Select component.
  • End to delete component.
  • Double Click Scene Node to edit.

Components/classes of a diagram :

  • widget
  • model
  • factory

Terms :

  • Engine : Installs and registers factories and models.
  • Model : JSON object of the diagram.
  • Serialize and Deserialize : Creating custom JSON from model.

Structure :

  • TrayItemWidget : React component for displaying node name.
  • TrayWidget : React component displaying available nodes.
  • CustomDiagramWidget : Overrides delete and backspace key property.
  • Tray + Diagram = Bodywidget.
  • Application : Superset of engine.
  • Rdrag : BodyWidget with prop as app.