
Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

chef-aem cookbook

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A cookbook to install Adobe Experience Manager 5.6.


A valid Adobe ID for authentication needs to be edited in the recipe.


  • node['java']['jdk_version']= - The version of Java prefered to use as the JVM of the AEM.
  • node['aem']['adobe_id'] - Your Adobe ID used to authenticate on daycare website to download AEM.
  • node['aem']['adobe_password'] - Your Adobe password.
  • node['aem']['license.customer.name'] - Company name used for the license.
  • node['aem']['license.downloadID'] - The license key.


  • default - Creates a user/group for AEM, downloads the JAR from Adobe website and runs it.


Author:: Theofilos Papapanagiotou (theofilos@ieee.org)