
An Object-Oriented Programming exercise for the Sparkbox Apprenticeship.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Overview ⚔️ 🐉

Today we're creating characters for a game. Each Character has two properties and two methods.


  • name (string) - The Character's name
  • health (number) - A number between 0 and 50 representing the Character's current health


  • talk (function) - When spoken to, the character will greet you with their name
  • attack (function) - When attacked, the character can:
    • take damage, decreasing their health
    • counter-attack by returning a number representing damage points against the attacker

The Challenge

Given a base Character class, implement an inherited class for one or more of the character types below. Your character should have the same interface (properties and method) as described above. Your character can have additional properties or methods if necessary, as long as it also implements the above interface.

Your solution should utilize the following:

  • extends to allow your character to inherit from the base Character class
  • super to call and override methods from the base Character class when necessary

Character Types


A wizard behaves as follows:


  • When spoken to, a wizard loudly greets you and proclaims their name in all UPPER CASE.


  • When first attacked, a wizard casts a protection spell.
  • While the protection spell is active, the wizard receives no damage and counter-attacks are twice as powerful.
  • The spell lasts for 3 attacks
  • After the spell, the wizard recieves 10 points damage on every attack, and counter-attacks return to the default value.


A rogue behaves as follows:


  • When spoken to, a rogue quietly greets you and whispers their name in all lower case.


  • A rogue is difficult to attack. By default they will evade an attack, receive no damage, and return a 5 point counter-attack.
  • On every 5th attack, a rogue lets their guard down and receives 5 points damage. In their weakened state, they return the default counter-attack value.

Getting Started

This repo contains source code in the src repo to get you started, as well as Jest tests to validate your solution. To get started:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. cd into the directory and run npm install
  3. Run the tests with npm test:watch
  4. Locate the characters in the src directory and choose a character to implement.
    • Note: src/character is the base class that the others will inherit from, so don't choose that one.
  5. Locate the character's set of tests in index.test.js
  6. Pending tests are marked with xit. Unpend a test by changing xit to it, watch it fail, and write the code necessary to make the test pass.
  7. Repeat the last step for the rest of the tests in the suite.


How would you implement a solution without using the class keyword? For example, using a factory function and object composition?