
'Ike: A binary exploitation and reversing handbook.

Primary LanguageShell


'Ike: A binary exploitation and reversing handbook


Welcome to 'Ike! This handbook is intended to take those with 0 system hacking experience (that's right 0), and get them to an entry level point within the pwn.college ecosystem. By following these steps, you can establish a strong base upon which to build your future hacking knowledge on. This process will essentially provide you with your white belt in hacking (at a system level) which will only be enhanced within the subsequent pwn.college program. While this handbook leans into the CTF atmosphere commonly seen on sites like CTFTime, the content should prove insightful to those curious individuals with no CTF experience (if you are looking for web skills, look somehwere else :D). If you get some usage out of this handbook, I ask you to hmu with a star on the github repo, so I know people actually use this, lol.

The site with the full hosted book is at ike.mahaloz.re, check it out.


Since I am bad with GitHub actions, currently I make changes to the markdown, then build it with mdbook build and push the html to the gh-pages branch. I do all of this with the script push_book.sh. If you have changes, simply make a pull request to the master branch only. I will then push the html changes to the gh-pages branch.