
A little Pico-CMS plugin allowing you to automatically sort, position and categorize your page from your content folder.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A little Pico-CMS plugin allowing you to automatically sort (ascending or descending), position and categorize your pages from your content folder structure.


  • PICO 1.0.0 compatible
  • Category and pages sorting (asc or desc)
  • Category and pages ignore

General Purpose

The purpose here is to be able to generate a navigation menu simply by writing the script below.

      {% for category in categories %}
          <a href="{{ category.pages[1].url }}">{{ category.title }}</a>
          {% if category.pages|length > 1 %}
          {% for page in category.pages %}
            <li class="sub"><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
          {% endfor %}
          {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}


First, be sure to configure it properly

    $config['pages_order_by'] = 'position';             // Needed by PicoCategorizedPages
    $config['pages_order'] = 'asc';                 // Order pages "asc" or "desc"
    $config['categories_order'] = 'asc';              // Order categories "asc" or "desc"
    $config['PicoCategorizedPages.enabled'] = true;    // Force PicoCategorizedPages to be enabled

A category is simply a folder inside your content folder descripted by the index.md of that folder. The index.md is where the position in the menu and its title will be set. The same logic applies to each file inside that folder, except they won't have any impact on the folder declaration.

Category tags (index.md in a folder) :

Title: Title of the page
Position: Position of the page
Page_Ignore: Set to true or false, will ignore this page in the generated array
Category_Title: Title of the category
Category_Position: Position of the category
Category_Ignore: Set to true or false, will ignore this category in the generated array

Page tags (anything.md in a folder) :

Title: Title of the page
Position: Position of the page
Page_Ignore: Set to true or false, will ignore this page in the generated array


Let's consider the following content structure :


Index.md for Bees :

Title: Welcome to the bees !
Position: 1
Category_Position: 2
Category_Title: Beez ?!

Will create a category at the second position (Category_Position) with the title "Beez ?!" (Category_Title) and the page itself will be titled "Welcome to the bees" and will be te first item in the list.

The same applies for hive.md :

Title: Hive is good
Position: 3

and honey.md

Title: The sweet honey boogie
Position: 2

Will output :

          <a href="yoururl../Bees/">Beez ?!</a>
            <li class="sub"><a href="yoururl../Bees/">Welcome to the bees !</a></li>
            <li class="sub"><a href="yoururl../Bees/honey">The sweet honey boogie</a></li>
            <li class="sub"><a href="yoururl../Bees/hive">Hive is good</a></li>


Simply put PicoCategorizedPages.php in your plugins folder and it will be fine as it is. But don't forget to set your config.php right as mentioned in the How-To.

What's next ?

  • Recursive categories