
A PHP framework to start developping apps faster.

Primary LanguagePHP


A PHP framework to start developping apps faster.


Start server.sh to launch PHP's developpement web server and open your browser on http://localhost:8000.


  • A scalable structure (POO, Requests/Responses, Actions, Middlewares, Entities, Tables)
  • Composer for handling dependencies
  • A router relying on Zend Expressive FastRoute
  • Independent modules (Blog, Auth, Admin...)
  • A development (with Whoops for debugging) and production mode (with caching)
  • A flexible configuration with PHP-DI
  • Migrations and seedings of the database with Phinx
  • A tough code with PHPUnit
  • A nice looking code with a PHP Code Sniffer to respect PSR-15


  • Remove admin.widgets in Admin config
  • Add Site module
  • Handle 404/500 HTTP errors
  • Query: add alias for join method
  • Validator: add URL, make some rules valid if empty
  • Form: select, password
  • &session bug in php-di cache
  • Escape table names in PDO queries


  • Improve documentation and tests (for middlewares)
  • Add other modules (Shop...)