
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Arseeding is a lightweight arweave data seed node. It is mainly used to synchronize, cache and broadcast transaction && data.

Important: arseeding is compatible with all http api interfaces of arweave node and also provide bundle transaction api
Related articles: arseeding server design


  • cmd is the service starter
  • sdk is used to call the arseeding api
  • bundle is used to handle bundle items and get items info
  • cache is used to cache important arweave info and reply to request quickly
  • api register api and compatible with the implementation logic of all api's of arweave node and provide bundle service
  • jobs is the implementation of timed jobs. This includes timed jobs that update some important info and roll up bundle Tx to arweave.
  • task concurrent processing syncTasks,broadcastTasks and broadcastMetaTasks.
  • submit includes the verification of transactions and chunks, and stores them in the bolt db.
  • wdb store bundle transaction and its status
  • store bolt db wrap.


PORT=':8080' KEY_PATH='yourKeyfilePath' MYSQL='mysq dsn' PAY='everpay api url' go run cmd/main.go


Build & Run

make all
PORT=':8080' KEY_PATH='yourKeyfilePath' MYSQL='mysq dsn' PAY='everpay api url' ./build/arseeding

Docker build

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./cmd/arseeding ./cmd
docker build .


Deployment documents


arseeding is compatible with all http api interfaces of arweave node and also provide bundle api:

    v1.POST("tx", s.submitTx)
    v1.POST("chunk", s.submitChunk)
    v1.GET("tx/:arid/offset", s.getTxOffset)
    v1.GET("/tx/:arid", s.getTx)
    v1.GET("chunk/:offset", s.getChunk)
    v1.GET("tx/:arid/:field", s.getTxField)
    v1.GET("/info", s.getInfo)
    v1.GET("/tx_anchor", s.getAnchor)
    v1.GET("/price/:size", s.getTxPrice)
    v1.GET("/peers", s.getPeers)
    // proxy
    v2 := r.Group("/")

    // broadcast && sync tasks
    v1.POST("/task/:taskType/:arid", s.postTask)
    v1.POST("/task/kill/:taskType/:arid", s.killTask)
    v1.GET("/task/:taskType/:arid", s.getTask)
    v1.GET("/task/cache", s.getCacheTasks)

    // ANS-104 bundle Data api
    v1.GET("/bundle/bundler", s.getBundler)
    v1.POST("/bundle/tx/:currency", s.submitItem)
    v1.GET("/bundle/tx/:itemId", s.getItemMeta) // get item meta, without data
    v1.GET("/bundle/itemIds/:arId", s.getItemIdsByArId)
    v1.GET("/bundle/fees", s.bundleFees)
    v1.GET("/bundle/fee/:size/:currency", s.bundleFee)
    v1.GET("bundle/orders/:signer", s.getOrders)
    v1.GET("/:id", s.getDataByGW) // get arTx data or bundleItem data

when use submitTx and submitChunk, arseeding cache the tx and data and also submits it to the arweave gateway.

sync and broadcast api:

v1.POST("/task/:taskType/:arid", s.postTask)
v1.POST("/task/kill/:taskType/:arid", s.killTask)
v1.GET("/task/:taskType/:arid", s.getTask)
v1.GET("/task/cache", s.getCacheTasks)

killTask This interface can be used to stop a broadcast task when enough nodes have been broadcast via getTask
taskType is 'sync' or 'broadcast' or 'broadcast_meta'

getCacheTasks return all pending tasks

bundle api describe:

v1.GET("/bundle/bundler", s.getBundler)
v1.POST("/bundle/tx/:currency", s.submitItem)
v1.GET("/bundle/tx/:itemId", s.getItemMeta)
v1.GET("/bundle/itemIds/:arId", s.getItemIdsByArId)
v1.GET("/bundle/fees", s.bundleFees)
v1.GET("/bundle/fee/:size/:currency", s.bundleFee)
v1.GET("bundle/orders/:signer", s.getOrders)
v1.GET("/:id", s.getDataByGW)


return a bundle service provider address

GET /bundle/bundler

resp: "Fkj5J8CDLC9Jif4CzgtbiXJBnwXLSrp5AaIllleH_yY"


submit a bundle item(goar is a useful tool to assemble a bundle item)

POST /bundle/tx/:currency
--header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'
--data-binary 'data....'


  1. if config charge no fee ,don't need currency
  2. request body can be created use goar // see example/bundle-item/bundle_test.go
    ItemId:             "qe1231212441",
    Bundler:            "Fkj5J8CDLC9Jif4CzgtbiXJBnwXLSrp5AaIllleH_yY",
    Currency:           "AR",
    Decimals:           12,
    Fee:                "113123",
    PaymentExpiredTime: 122132421,
    ExpectedBlock:      3144212,


return fees you need to pay for submit your bundle item to arweave and store it forever

GET /bundle/fees

    "AR": {
        "currency": "AR",
        "decimals": 12,
        "base": "808920",
        "perChunk": "66060288"
    "DAI": {
        "currency": "DAI",
        "decimals": 18,
        "base": "7174878265432",
        "perChunk": "585934980689532"
    "ETH": {
        "currency": "ETH",
        "decimals": 18,
        "base": "6585336377",
        "perChunk": "537790161708"
    "USDC": {
        "currency": "USDC",
        "decimals": 6,
        "base": "7",
        "perChunk": "586"


return item meta, without data

GET /bundle/tx/:itemId

    "signatureType": 3,
    "signature": "DC469T6Fz3ByFCtEjnP9AdsLSDFqINxvbIqFw1qwk0ApHtpmytRWFHZeY2gBN9nXopzY7Sbi9u5U6UcpPrwPlxs",
    "owner": "BCLR8qIeP8-kDAO6AifvSSzyCQJBwAtPYErCaX1LegK7GwXmyMvhzCmt1x6vLw4xixiOrI34ObhU2e1RGW5YNXo",
    "target": "",
    "anchor": "",
    "tags": [],
    "data": "",
    "id": "IlYC5sG61mhTOlG2Ued5LWxN4nuhyZh3ror0MBbPKy4"


return signer address all order

GET /bundle/orders/:signer

        "ID": 33,
        "CreatedAt": "2022-06-24T03:29:54.174Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2022-06-24T04:30:09.193Z",
        "DeletedAt": null,
        "ItemId": "5rEb7c6OjMQIYjl6P7AJIb4bB9CLMBSxhZ9N7BVbRCk",
        "Signer": "Ii5wAMlLNz13n26nYY45mcZErwZLjICmYd46GZvn4ck",
        "SignType": 1,
        "Size": 1095,
        "Currency": "USDT",
        "Decimals": 6,
        "Fee": "701",
        "PaymentExpiredTime": 1656044994,
        "ExpectedBlock": 960751,
        "PaymentStatus": "expired",
        "PaymentId": "",
        "OnChainStatus": "failed"


get arTx data or bundleItem data

GET /:id
note: id could be itemId or arId



compatible arweave sdk

arweave-js sdk

import Arweave from 'arweave';

const arweave = Arweave.init({
    host: '', // arseeding service url
    port: 8080,
    protocol: 'http'

goar sdk

arNode := "" // arseeding service url
arClient := goar.NewClient(arNode) 


Arseeding is a light node, so it does not store all the data in the arweave network, so when requesting tx data, it is likely that the data will not be available, even if the data already exists in the arweave network.
In the case we use the /task/sync/:arid api of arseeding to synchronize the tx to the service.

  1. User want to get a tx
 arId := "yK_x7-bKBOe1GK3sEHWIQ4QZRibn504pzYOFa8iO2S8"

 // connect arseeding server by goar sdk
 arClient := goar.NewClient("") 
 data, err := arClient.GetTransactionData(arId)
 // err: not found

By default arseeding does not contain this data, so will return 'not found' error msg.

  1. So we need to use arseeding sync api
curl --request POST ''
  1. Use getTask api to watcher the job status
 curl ''


    "arId": "yK_x7-bKBOe1GK3sEHWIQ4QZRibn504pzYOFa8iO2S8",
    "tktype": "sync",
    "countSuccessed": 1,
    "countFailed": 0,
    "totalNodes": 945,
    "close": false

countSuccessed 1 means sync success

  1. This time re-run step 1 and it will work.

Broadcast usage

If you want your tx or data to be broadcast to all nodes, the bardcast function can help you do that.

  1. Register for tx that require broadcasting
curl --request POST ''
  1. Use getTask api to watcher the job status
curl GET ''


    "arid": "yK_x7-bKBOe1GK3sEHWIQ4QZRibn504pzYOFa8iO2S8",
    "tktype": "broadcast",
    "countSuccessed": 220,
    "countFailed": 9,
    "totalNodes": 939,
    "close": false

countSuccessed number of nodes successfully broadcast
countFailed number of nodes failed to broadcast
totalNodes total number of nodes
close Is the broadcast task closed

  1. If the goal is to successfully broadcast to 200 nodes, then this broadcast task can be closed
curl --request POST ''

Bundle Usage

Arseeding implement ANS-104 bundle Data API, goar is a useful tool to assemble bundle item and interact with these APIs.

    // connect arseeding server by goar sdk
    signer, err := goar.NewSignerFromPath("test-keyfile.json")
	arseedUrl := ""
	itemSdk, err := goar.NewItemSdk(signer, arseedUrl)
    // now just use itemSdk to create a bundle item
    item, err := itemSdk.CreateAndSignItem(dataFiled, target, anchor, tags)
    // submit bundle item to arseeding
    resp, err := itemSdk.SubmitItem(item, "AR") // "AR" can be replace with any Token that the bundlr support
    // you will get info about how much you should pay, bundlr address, bundle id that can be used query your item from resp struct


    ItemId             string
    Bundler            string
    Currency           string
    Fee                string
    PaymentExpiredTime int64
    ExpectedBlock      int64



everPay rollup txs sync: get all everpay rollup txIds from the arweave node, and then post to the arseeding service using the sync interface.

broadcast arweave pending pool txs: get pending pool txIds, sync to arseeding and broadcast to all nodes.


  1. The tx and data must exist in the arseeding service before using broadcast. In other words, if there is no tx and data in arseeding, use sync to synchronize the data before using broadcast.
  2. The broadcast job needs to commit tx and data to each node, so each broadcast job takes a long time to execute. So the user checks the number of successful broadcast nodes by getJob, and then actively stops the broadcast job by killJob.


Users are requested to comply with their own license
Apache License