
mongodb数据同步到elasticsearch的中间件,支持全量,增量,实时同步等多种同步情景。(syncs MongoDB to Elasticsearch in realtime) (MongoDB syncs to es/Elasticsearch)

Primary LanguageGo

mongo-sync-elastic 使用说明

注:bin目录下的:mongo-sync-elastic是linux的可执行文件, mongo-sync-elastic.exe是windows的可执行文件


  • linux: bin/mongo-sync-elastic -f config.json
  • windows:bin/mongo-sync-elastic.exe -f config.json

2.配置文件 config.json 内容如下

  "mongodb": "mydb",
  "mongocoll": "mycoll",
  "mongodburl": "mongodb://myroot:mypwd@localhost:27017",
  "esurl": "",
  "tspath": "./"
  • 更多参数看第五点


  • mongodb: 数据库名字
  • mongocoll: 集合名字
  • mongodburl: 连接数据库的url
  • esurl: 连接es的url
  • tspath: 非必须参数。用于服务意外停止做数据恢复的,或断点续传时使用 (默认是程序执行所在的路径下oplogts文件夹保存同步状态)


  • 当已经完成全量同步的时候,程序会在tspath路径下创建 oplogts/mydb_mycoll_latestoplog.log 文件,纪录下时间节点,意味着在该时间节点之前的数据都已完成同步,但当全量同步失败不会创建该文件
  • 每隔1个小时就会更新 mydb_mycoll_latestoplog.log 文件里面的时间节点
  • 当服务意外停止时,并且不愿意再进行一次全量同步,只需同步服务停止之后还没同步的数据,则服务再次启动时tspath不能改变,让数据从tspath中恢复
  • 当服务意外停止时,并希望从0开始重新同步一次,则可以吧tspath下面删除对应的log文件 或 重新选择一个tspath即可


  • 1.涉及增量同步的部分,需要mongodb的部署形式是副本集 或者 单实例开启了oplog
  • 2.启动服务的用户需要拥有参数tspath路径下文件的创建查看删除权限
  • 3.参数mongodburl中的mongodb用户需要拥有local库下的oplog.rs查询权限
  • 4.在es中创建的索引名字是 mongodb+'.'+mongocoll,即: mydb.mycoll


  • syncType: 同步类型
有三个值 0,1,2可选,分别表示:

例如 config.json 
"syncType":1 //只进行全量同步

mongo-sync-elastic instructions

tips:bin folder:mongo-sync-elastic is linux executable, mongo-sync-elastic.exe is windows executable


  • linux: bin/mongo-sync-elastic -f config.json
  • windows:bin/mongo-sync-elastic.exe -f config.json

2.configuration file config.json content:

  "mongodb": "mydb",
  "mongocoll": "mycoll",
  "mongodburl": "mongodb://myroot:mypwd@localhost:27017",
  "esurl": "",
  "tspath": "./"
  • See the fifth point for more parameters

param explain:

  • mongodb: db name
  • mongocoll: collection name
  • mongodburl: mongodb url
  • esurl: es url
  • tspath: non required parameter。For data recovery when the service stops unexpectedly,Or when resuming a breakpoint(The default is to save the synchronization status in the oplogts folder under the path where the program is executed)

3.tspath param explain

  • When full synchronization has been completed,The program will be created under the path of tspath:oplogts/mydb_mycoll_latestoplog.log file,record time node,It means that the data before the time node has been synchronized,But when full synchronization fails, the file will not be created
  • Update every hour mydb_mycoll_latestoplog.log Time node in the file
  • When the service stops unexpectedly,and I don't want to have another full synchronization,Just synchronize the data that has not been synchronized since the service stopped,The tspath cannot be changed when the service starts again,Recover data from tspath
  • When the service stops unexpectedly,and want to resynchronize from earliest,You can delete the corresponding log file under the tspath or reselect a tspath


  • 1.Involving incremental synchronization, the deployment form of mongodb needs to be a replica set or a single instance with oplog enabled
  • 2.The user who starts the service needs to have the permission to create, view and delete the file under the parameter tspath path
  • 3.The mongodb user in the parameter mongodb URL needs to have the query permission of oplog.rs under the admin Library
  • 4.The index name created in ES is mongodb+'.'+mongocoll,eg: mydb.mycoll

5.More optional parameters:

  • 1.syncType: Synchronization type
There are three values 0, 1, 2 optional, respectively:
0:The default value,means full + incremental synchronization
1:It means only full synchronization, the program will exit after the full synchronization
2:Indicates only incremental synchronization
eg :config.json:
    "syncType":1 // Only full sync