About | Features | Technologies | Requirements | Starting | License | Author
Robust and feature-rich backend API for a task management application with Node.js PostgreSQL & Postman. The API allows users to efficiently manage their tasks, collaborate with others, and stay organized. The design prioritizes functionality, performance, and scalability.
✔️ Set up a Node.js server to handle API requests
✔️ Assignment of Tasks to Users
✔️ Database Migrations/Seeds
✔️ RESTful CRUD Operations
✔️ Error handling and validation.
✔️ Implemented user-specific views for tasks.
✔️ Allow users to mark tasks as completed.
The following tools were used in this project:
Before starting 🏁, you need to have Git, Node, Docker & PostgreSQL installed.
- pg-pool : collection of database connections that can be reused.
- Nodemon : nodemon is a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected.
- Express.js : framework that works on top of Node.js web server functionality to simplify its APIs.
- PostgreSQL : to connect VS Code to PostgreSQL
- GitHub : to connect GitHub account from VS Code
- Docker : simplifed view of containers.
- Express : Hosts current workspace with Express web server in Visual Studio Code.
- WSL : Linux-based tools, runtimes, and utilities.
# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/theoneandonlyshadow/task-management-api
# Access
$ cd task-management-api
# Install dependencies
$ npm i
# Run the project with nodemon
$ nodemon index
# The server will initialize in the http://localhost:8070
Install Docker Desktop
Install VS Code
Install PostgreSQL
Install Postman
Create docker-compose.yml file.
Copy the same contents from this repo.
Open Docker Desktop and start.
(PowerShell) Type
docker compose up
Project container should be visible in the Docker Desktop.
Open pgAdmin 4 (PostgreSQL) and create a new database called "techcorp". Dont worry about creating tables, as both users and tasks table will initalize after running index.js.
Open VS Code, open Command Palette and type New Query (requires PostgreSQL extension) and type in credentials.
(WSL) Type
sudo systemctl status postgresql
to see if PostgreSQL is active. -
(WSL) Type
psql -U postgres -h localhost
orpsql -h -p 5432 -U postgres
to connect to PostgreSQL. -
Open Postman and review my project according to the following endpoints:
Common Endpoints:
-> /displaytables: to display the tables
-> /displaydb: to display databases
-> /authenticate/{user_id}: authenticate user to see their tasks.
User Endpoints:
-> /users/create: Create a user (POST)
-> /users/display: Read users (display all users) (GET)
-> /users/update: Update a user (PUT)
-> /users/delete: Delete a user (DELETE)
-> /users/authenticate/{user_id}: "authenticate user's user_id to see their tasks. (GET)
Task Endpoints
-> /tasks/create: Create a task (POST)
-> /tasks/display: Read tasks (display all tasks) (GET)
-> /tasks/update: Update a task (PUT)
-> /tasks/delete: Delete a task (DELETE)
-> /tasks/assigntask/{user_id}: Assign Task to a User (POST)
-> /tasks/markcomplete: Write "Marked Complete" to a task. "Not Complete" by default when creating a task for a user (PUT).
If any feature is not working, please reinstall the tech and try again. If you would like a video of my screen recording about the full project, please let me know at madhavnair700@gmail.com or message me in WellFound.
This project is under license from MIT. For more details, see the LICENSE file.
Made with 3am efforts by Madhav Nair