If set to true
then the stack will also create an SNS topic that takes a payload like:
"username": "username",
"bucket": "s3-bucket-name",
"TTL": 7,
"home": "/home/subfolder",
"access": ["put", "delete", "mkdir"],
"keys": ['ssh-AAAA', 'ssh-BBBB']
, bucket
, and TTL
are required, the rest are optional
This SNS topic will then trigger a lambda which will automatically handle the creation of the temporary sftp user
A scheduled daily clean up lambda will automatically delete the temporary sftp user after the specified TTL
- public SFTP endpoint
- allows you to attach a security group to the SFTP endpoint to restrict access. Must specify a public subnet (i.e. with an internet gateway route)
- old way of doing things, it is recommended that you use the VPC
option instead
install cfhighlander gem
gem install cfhighlander
or via docker
docker pull theonestack/cfhighlander
compiling the templates
cfcompile sftp
compiling with the vaildate fag to validate the templates
cfcompile sftp --validate
publish the templates to s3
cfpublish sftp --version latest