
Export your Google Voice call & text history as JSON

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Export your Google Voice call & text history as JSON

Google Takeout only offers HTML export of your Google Voice call and text message records. voice2json converts these HTML files into machine-readable JSON for easier analysis.


Note: Beautiful Soup 4 is a required dependency for HTML parsing. Install it using pip install beautifulsoup4.

First, download your Google Voice call history as HTML from Google Takeout. Unzip the file and navigate to the Voice/Calls directory. Then run the voice2json.py, passing in the path to the calls directory, and you're all done:

$ python voice2json.py /path/to/Takeout/Voice/Calls /path/to/output.json

Slightly more detailed:

$ python voice2json.py -h
usage: voice2json.py [-h] source [output]

positional arguments:
  source      Source directory of call HTML files to convert
  output      File to write JSON output to (default: stdout)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


voice2json produces a JSON file in the following format:

    "records": [

        // Calls, voicemails, etc...
            "date": "2013-01-27T04:21:24.000Z", // ISO-formatted date
            "duration": 56000.0, // If applicable, the duration of the call
            "tags": [ // Array of the tags(s) associated with the record (see below)
            "contributors": [ // An array of participants in the call
                    "tel": "+01234567890", // Stringified telephone number containing country code
                    "name": "John Doe" // Name (if known, otherwise an empty string)

        // Text messages
            "date": "2014-05-07T19:26:51.780Z", // ISO-formatted start date of conversation
            "conversation": [ // A list of messages in the conversation
                    "date": "2014-05-07T19:26:51.780Z", // ISO-formatted date of message
                    "message": "I'm right behind you.",
                    "sender": {
                        "tel": "+01234567890", // Stringified telephone number containing country code
                        "name": "John Doe" // Name (if known, otherwise an empty string)
            "contributors": [
                    "tel": "+01234567890", // Stringified telephone number containing country code
                    "name": "John Doe" // Name (if known, otherwise an empty string)
                    "tel": "+01234567890", // Your phone number
                    "name": "Me"
            "tags": [ // A list of tags for the conversation


Possible tags include:

  • received – an incoming call, received and answered
  • missed – an incoming call that was not answered
  • placed – an outgoing call
  • inbox – an item in the Google Voice inbox (e.g., a voicemail)
  • voicemail – a voicemail message
  • unread – used in conjunction with a voicemail to indicate that it is unread
  • sms – a text message

Happy analyzing!