
Work-in-progress successor to Dataview with a focus on UX and speed.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Datacore is a work-in-progress re-imagining of Dataview with a focus on 2-10x better query and rendering performance, as well as fully interactable views.


Datacore is a work in progress. For more details, check out the roadmap.

Differences from Dataview

Datacore is fundamentally the same thing as dataview - an index over Markdown files that supports live-updating views and metadata. However, Datacore focuses on substantial index changes for performance, as well as a new sleek UI which completely replaces traditional Dataview queries. Datacore supports all query operations that Dataview does, with some extra functionality.

  • New Javascript API: Javascript-based views are now React-based and support internal state, flickerless updates on index changes, and a new query API which is much more performant than dv.pages().where(...).
  • WYSIWYG Views: Datacore queries now use a responsive table view and can be manipulated with a table editor much more akin to what you would see in places like Notion and Airtable.
  • Functioning Embeds: Markdown page, image, and video embeds now work in all views, and a new special view type which is just a list of embeds has been added.
  • Live Editing: Values inside of table views can now be edited; task views include more nuanced rendering of metadata like due date and more operations for manipulating tasks directly.
  • Section / Block Queries: Datacore indexes all files (including attachments, PDFs, and images), and supports queries at section and block level granularity.