Vue Ajax

The purpose of this exercise is to read and update users via ajax calls.


  • clone the repo and run bundle install
  • run bundle exec rake db:setup
  • start the rails server and open the root route.


Part 1: Single User

  • Open the root route and follow the first link to manage a single user
  • Open pages_controller, note the gon assignment in the manage_user action. Verify that gon.user_id exists in the JS console.
  • Fetch the single user in the user.js's init function
var self = this
  url: "/api/users/1",
  method: "GET"
}).then(function (data) {
  self.user = data
  • display the user's name and email address in page
  • Add a button that says "edit" and a v-on:click=editUser
  • Wrap the user's name, email, and the button with a div that has the directive v-if="!isEditing
  • Add a method called editUser that changes isEditing to true
  • Add a form to be displayed when the edit button is pressed. It'll have 2 inputs, one with a v-model for and the other
  • Add an input with a type of submit and a value of submit to the form.
  • Add the directive v-on:submit.prevent="handleEdit" to your form and a method handleEdit.
  • console.log the user when the form is submitted
  • Save the user to the database when the form is submitted
        var self = this
          method: "PATCH",
          url: userUrl(gon.user_id),
          data: { user: self.user }
        }).then(function (data) {
          self.user = data
          self.isEditing = false
  • set self.isEditing to false when the user is saved.

Part 2: Many Users

  • Open app/assets/javascripts/components/users.js. Open a new browser tab to where the function usersUrl evaluates to.
  • In the JavaScript console of localhost:3000, run $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "/api/users" }).then(function (data) { console.log(data) })
  • Holy crap, promises!
  • Use that $.ajax call to fill our component with users.
  • Use Vue Dev Tools to verify that our users component is full of users.
  • render an unordered list of users
  • Add a searchText key to the Users data object
  • Add an input with a v-model set to searchText
  • Filter the list with searchText
  • Next to each user, add a button with the text "edit"
  • Create a new file called app/assets/components/user.js. Register a new Vue component called "vue-user"
  • Create a file called vue_templates/user.html and add a script tag with the type of text/template and an id of user-template. Place the text i'm the user template inside of the template.
  • Make sure your vue-user component has a template: #user-template and that you're rendering the partial vue_templates/user inside of the home.html.erb file.
  • Add the key props: ['user'], to your vue-user component.
  • Iterate over your users via <vue-user v-for="user in users" :user="user"> <vue-user>
  • Extract the guts of each <li> into your vue-user template file.
  • When a user clicks "edit" the user's static text fields should turn into inputs, and the "edit" button should turn into a save.