FaceShifter — Unofficial PyTorch Implementation
Unofficial Implementation of FaceShifter: Towards High Fidelity And Occlusion Aware Face Swapping with Pytorch-Lightning. In the paper, there are two networks for full pipe-line, AEI-Net and HEAR-Net. We only implement the AEI-Net, which is main network for face swapping.
Preparing Data
You need to download and unzip:
- CelebA-HQ (Unofficial Download Script)
- VGGFace (Unofficial Download Script)
Preprocess Data
Preprocessing code is mainly based on Nvidia's FFHQ preprocessing code. You may modify our preprocess with multi-processing functions to finish pre-processing step much faster.
# build docker image from Dockerfile
docker build -t dlib:0.0 ./preprocess
# run docker container from image
docker run -itd --ipc host -v /PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER/preprocess:/workspace -v /PATH_TO_THE_DATA:/DATA -v /PATH_TO_SAVE_DATASET:/RESULT --name dlib --tag dlib:0.0
# attach
docker attach dlib
# preprocess with dlib
python preprocess.py --root /DATA --output_dir /RESULT
There is yaml
file in the config
They must be edited to match your training requirements (dataset, metadata, etc.).
: Configs for training AEI-Net.- Fill in the blanks of:
- You may want to change:
for GPUs other than 32GB V100, orchkpt_dir
to save checkpoints in other disk.
- Fill in the blanks of:
Using Docker
We provide a Dockerfile for easier training environment setup.
docker build -t faceshifter:0.0 .
docker run -itd --ipc host --gpus all -v /PATH_TO_THIS_FOLDER:/workspace -v /PATH_TO_DATASET:/DATA --name FS --tag faceshifter:0.0
docker attach FS
Pre-trained Arcface
During the training process, pre-trained Arcface is required. We provide our pre-trained Arcface model; you can download at this link
To train the AEI-Net, run this command:
python aei_trainer.py -c <path_to_config_yaml> -g <gpus> -n <run_name>
# example command that might help you understand the arguments:
# train from scratch with name "my_runname"
python aei_trainer.py -c config/train.yaml -g 0 -n my_runname
Optionally, you can resume the training from previously saved checkpoint by adding -p <checkpoint_path>
Monitoring via Tensorboard
The progress of training with loss values and validation output can be monitored with Tensorboard.
By default, the logs will be stored at log
, which can be modified by editing log.log_dir
parameter at config yaml file.
tensorboard --log_dir log --bind_all # Scalars, Images, Hparams, Projector will be shown.
To inference the AEI-Net, run this command:
python aei_inference.py --checkpoint_path <path_to_pre_trained_file> --target_image <path_to_target_image_file> --source_image <path_to_source_image_file> --output_path <path_to_output_image_file> --gpu_num <number of gpu>
# example command that might help you understand the arguments:
# train from scratch with name "my_runname"
python aei_inference.py --checkpoint_path chkpt/my_runname/epoch=0.ckpt --target_image target.png --source_image source.png --output_path output.png --gpu_num 0
Comparison with results from original paper
Figure in the original paper
Our Results
Reminds you that we only implement the AEI-Net, and the results in the original paper was generated by AEI-Net and HEAR-Net.
We will soon release the FaceShifter in our cloud API service, maum.ai
Implementation Author
Changho Choi @ MINDs Lab, Inc. (changho@mindslab.ai)
Paper Information
title={Faceshifter: Towards high fidelity and occlusion aware face swapping},
author={Li, Lingzhi and Bao, Jianmin and Yang, Hao and Chen, Dong and Wen, Fang},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.13457},