

Map OpenAPI json to client functions to get simple internal requests.

Define your OpenAPI documentation URL, a path of where to generate the .py files, precise if you'd like a asynchronous or synchronous client, and run

python3 path/to/package/ '<base_url/OpenAPI/docs>' '/path/to/generate/req_bundles' <async|sync>

Each defined request in OpenAPI will generate an async/sync HTTP call function designed to hit the related endpoint from another service.


A GET endpoint defined in a (for example FastAPI) router like :

async def get_item(item_id: str, user_id: str = Depends(oauth2.require_user)):
    # your logic
    return {"item": itemResponseEntity(item)}

will generate an async HTTP call function :

async def get_item(item_id: str, cookies: dict = None, base_url: str = base_url, endpoint: str = '/endpont/{item_id}`'):
		res = await client.get(url=base_url+endpoint+item_id) 
        if res.status_code >= 300:
            raise HTTPException(status_code=res.status_code)
	except httpx.HTTPError as err: 
		raise SystemExit(err)
	return res.json()

that can then be used in another service to request data :

async def other_service_endpoint():
    item = await get_item()
    return item


  • The clients are generated using httpx.
  • Generated files' name will be
  • Errors and Exceptions are transmitted down the line.
  • Cookies can be transmitted down too
  • Docstrings will be added when possible