

  • NodeJS
  • React
  • ReactRouter
  • Hosted on Linode (Ubuntu w/Nginx + PM2)

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Development Copy of BERNIE 2020 EVENT SUPPORT HUB


Create a UI to make it easier for callers to easily find the next host to call and stay within a single screen where they can take notes and (optionally) follow the script. In addition, it should make things a bit easier to maintain for the campaign managers.

Some of the high-level features that we're looking to implement:

  • Slack Auth
  • Google Spreadsheet based data store (accessed via NodeJS)
  • Support for a dynamically generated UI
  • UI that is loaded conditionally based on values of the earlier selections
  • Phone Script Integration
  • Automatically hide hosts based off current time and their timezone so they aren't bothererd outside predetermined hours

Getting Started

  • npm install

Dev Build Watch & Run

  • npm run client-watch
  • npm run server-watch

Currently, the app is configured to call into a specific callback url as defined in the Slack App. However, it doesn't appear to work so a work-around is to bypass auth during development by returning true in the isAuthenticated() method.