a browser-based voxel.js game based on Conway's Game of Life, written in JavaScript for Node.js
The latest stable version of the game is available online:
Some older versions are also available:
Game play is still very rough and evolving quickly, but here are some things to try.
- pause the life simulation: press the P key
- add diamond blocks: press H to toggle build mode, then left-click
- unpause the simulation and your new creation will come to life
- pause the life simulation: press the P key
- toggle to select mode: press the I key
- move and look around until you get the desired selection (toggle H to select empty cubes)
- copy the selection into memory: press the X key
- cancel select mode: press the I key again
- you can rotate the selection before pasting: press the T key
- paste the selection: press the E key
- unpause the simulation and your new creations will come to life
- you can paste additional copies without pausing
These are not yet configurable via the UI (coming soon)
keybindings: {
'W': 'forward' // move forward
, 'A': 'left' // strafe left
, 'S': 'backward' // move backward
, 'D': 'right' // strafe right
, 'R': 'view' // toggle 1st/3rd-person view
, 'H': 'adjacent' // toggle selection of adjacent (empty) voxels
, 'I': 'select' // toggle multi-voxel selection box
, 'X': 'select_copy' // copy current multi-voxel selection
, 'E': 'select_paste' // paste current multi-voxel selection
, 'T': 'select_rotate' // rotates currently copied selection (in memory)
, 'Y': 'select_export' // export selection copy in [voxel interchange format](https://github.com/maxogden/voxel-engine#voxel-interchange-format)
, 'O': 'reset' // reset GoL state
, 'U': 'speed_up' // speed up GoL
, 'j': 'speed_down' // slow down GoL
, 'P': 'pause' // pause GoL updates
, '<mouse 1>': 'fire' // left mouse click, remove or place block
, '<mouse 2>': 'firealt'
, '<space>' : 'jump'
, '<shift>' : 'crouch'
, '<control>': 'alt'
Bug reports, support, source code, etc:
If you would like to host the game on your local machine, perhaps to modify it or play while offline:
npm install voxel-life
cd voxel-life && npm install
npm install -g browserify
browserify test.js -o bundle.js -dv
npm start
Then browse to http://localhost:8080