
A library designed to help make manipulating strings or objects into different formats more flexible by allowing operations to be chained

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Manipulate Build status

A library designed to help make manipulating strings or objects into different formats more flexible by allowing operations to be chained. Custom operations can easily be created, then chained together with others to perform more complex conversions.


In order to avoid any namespace conflicts Manipulate uses the public namespace com.jivatechnology (reverse DNS scheme). You can import this into your local scope with something like:

var Manipulate = com.jivatechnology.Manipulate;

If you just want to use existing classes we can just do:

var Manipulate = com.jivatechnology.Manipulate;

var manipulation = (new Manipulate.Markdown.toHTML()).then(
  new Manipulate.HTML.shortenLinks()
  new Manipulate.HTML.toStr()

manipulation.render("# Foo")

If you want to create your own then that can be done like so:

Manipulate.Text.upcase = Manipulate.build(
    convert: function(input){ return input.toUpperCase(); }

Sometimes you might want to create a configurable manipulation, to do this we can add an init function:

Manipulate.Text.shorten = Manipulate.build(
    init: function(opts){ this.opts = opts || {max_words: 5}; },
    convert: function(input){
      var words = this.opts.max_words;
      return input.split(" ").splice(0,max_words).join(" ");

Now when we build our new shorten manipulation we can pass it some configuration:

var manipulation = new Manipulate.Text.shorten({max_words: 2});
manipulation.render("one two three");
> "one two"


All of the tests are written in Jasmine. To run the tests, you will first need to install Ruby and Bundler. Once you have this:

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake jasmine

Open your browser to http://localhost:8888

If you want to run the tests directly in the console just type:

$ bundle exec rake jasmine:ci
/Users/theo/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/javascripts/support/jasmine_runner.rb --colour --format progress
[2012-03-15 15:46:50] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2012-03-15 15:46:50] INFO  ruby 1.9.3 (2011-10-30) [x86_64-darwin11.1.0]
[2012-03-15 15:46:50] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=39919 port=63714
Waiting for jasmine server on 63714...
jasmine server started.
Waiting for suite to finish in browser ...

Or you can check the current status of master using Travis


Only manipulate.js is required if you just want the framework. If you want to use some of the built in manipulations you will need those files as well.

Sprockets is used to describe dependencies between the files, so if you are using Ruby on Rails with the Asset Pipeline you can copy the entire src folder to vendor/assets and in your Javascript add a comment at the top with the parts you need.

//= require manipulate //= require manipulate/markdown

Please note if you want to use markdown, then please include the external dependency marked


  • Expand library of manipulations