UDP Logger

A UDP datagram logger for use with the log crate, to allow for on-demand viewing of logs:

use log::info;

use udp_logger::UdpLoggerBuilder;

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    UdpLoggerBuilder::try_init("", log::Level::Info)?;

    loop {
        info!("testing {} things", 1);

Run the example with:

$ cargo run --example basic

And log output can be viewed as desired by running netcat (or similar) on the receiving host:

% ncat -lu localhost 1999
INFO [2020-06-15T03:15:39.740912039+00:00] testing 1 things
INFO [2020-06-15T03:15:40.741074924+00:00] testing 1 things
INFO [2020-06-15T03:15:41.741258993+00:00] testing 1 things