Starter Theme for Hugo
Hugo Static Site Generator Blank Starter Theme
For example, if your Hugo website is in the www
cd www
git init
git submodule add themes/starter
cd www
hugo server -D
Preview the site, e.g., localhost:1313
Install node modules
cd www/themes/starter
npm i
Unminified development build with sourcemaps
cd www/themes/starter
npm run dev
Build for production with npm run build. CSS and JavaScript files will be output into the starter themes dist folder. e.g.,
cd www/themes/starter
npm run build
To enable DISQUS comments, add disqusShortname = YOURSHORTNAME
to your config file.
To run in production (e.g. to have Google Analytics show up), run HUGO_ENV=production
before your build command. For example:
HUGO_ENV=production hugo