
PicBucket is a cutting-edge image storage platform that makes it easy for users to store and manage their photos and images. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, PicBucket is the perfect solution for anyone looking to keep their pictures safe and organized.

One of the key features of PicBucket is its ability to support a wide variety of image formats. Whether you're looking to store JPEGs, PNGs, GIFs, or any other type of image file, PicBucket has you covered. This ensures that all users can store and access their pictures in the format of their choice.

Another great feature of PicBucket is its free storage quota. Users can store their images on the site for free up to a certain limit. This allows users to store a large number of images without having to worry about running out of storage space.

Overall, PicBucket is an innovative and user-friendly image storage platform that makes it easy to keep your pictures safe, organized and accessible. Whether you're a professional photographer looking to store and share your work, or a casual user looking to keep your personal photos safe, PicBucket has everything you need.


Clone the repository

git clone
cd PicBucket

Check your Ruby version

ruby -v

The ouput should start with something like ruby 2.5.1

If not, install the right ruby version using rbenv (it could take a while):

rbenv install 2.5.1

Install dependencies

Using Bundler and Yarn:

bundle && yarn

Initialize the database

rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

Add heroku remotes

Using Heroku CLI:

heroku git:remote -a project
heroku git:remote --remote heroku-staging -a project-staging


rails s


With Heroku pipeline (recommended)

Push to Heroku staging remote:

git push heroku-staging

Go to the Heroku Dashboard and promote the app to production or use Heroku CLI:

heroku pipelines:promote -a project-staging

Directly to production (not recommended)

Push to Heroku production remote:

git push heroku