
Automatically validating formlets for Hunchentoot + cl-who

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


An implementation of self-validating formlets for Hunchentoot.


  • added support for field-type hidden
  • show-formlet now accepts the keyword arg :default-values which takes a list of default values to populate the form with. These values will be used unless the user has already entered information, in which case their inputs will be displayed instead.


Boilerplate elimination

At the high level, form interaction in HTML requires

  1. Showing the user a form
  2. Getting the response back
  3. Running a validation function per form field (or run a single validation function on all of the fields)
  4. If the validation passed, sending them on, otherwise, showing them the form again (annotating to highight errors)

and I don't want to have to type it out all the time.


A define-formlet and show-formlet call is all that should be required to display, validate and potentially re-display a form as many times as necessary.


Automatically wraps the generated form in a UL and provides CSS classes and ids as hooks for the designers, making the look and feel easily customizable with an external stylesheet.


Currently, it supports the complete set of HTML form fields excepting reset (hidden, password, text, textarea, file, checkbox (and checkbox-set), radio-set (a stand-alone radio button is kind of pointless), select (and multi-select)) and recaptcha. The system will eventually support higher-level inputs, like date or slider.



The system assumes Hunchentoot + cl-who. This allows the internal code to take advantage of HTML generation, as opposed to tag formatting, and make use of post-parameters* and the Hunchentoot session. That said, porting away from cl-who would only involve re-defining the show methods, and porting away from Hunchentoot would involve re-writing the define-formlet and show-formlet macros to accomodate another session and POST model.

Run-time efficiency

The module is aimed at simplifying HTML form use for the developer. This is a place that's by definition bound by the slower of user speed or network speed. Furthermore, a single form is very rarely more than 20 inputs long in practice. Pieces will be made efficient where possible, but emphasis will not be placed on it.

Markup customization

While there are no assumptions about the CSS, formlet HTML markup is fixed in the show methods. You can go in and re-define all the shows, but that's about as easy as markup customization is going to get.

All that said, I have no experience working with CL servers other than hunchentoot, and formlets is as fast as I need it to be at the moment, so if you'd like to change any of the above things, patches welcome.



Formlets now includes a number of predicate generators for external use. These cover the common situations so that you won't typically have to pass around raw lambdas. They all return predicate functions as output.

The following four are pretty self explanatory. Longer/shorter checks the length of a string. matches? passes if the given regex returns a result for the given input, and mismatches? is the opposite. not-blank? makes sure that a non-"" value was passed, and same-as? checks that the field value is string= to the specified value.

  • longer-than? :: Num -> (String -> Bool)
  • shorter-than? :: Num -> (String -> Bool)
  • matches? :: regex -> (String -> Bool)
  • mismatches? :: regex -> (String -> Bool)
  • not-blank? :: (String -> Bool)
  • same-as? :: field-name-string -> (String -> Bool)

The file predicates expect a hunchentoot file tuple instead of a string, but act the same from the users' perspective. file-type? takes any number of type-strings and makes sure that the given files' content type matches one of them. You can find a list of common mimetypes here. It doesn't rely on file extensions. file-smaller-than? takes a number of bytes and checks if the given file is smaller.

  • file-type? :: [File-type-string] -> (FileTuple -> Bool)
  • file-smaller-than? :: Size-in-bytes -> (FileTuple -> Bool)

Finally, the newly added set-predicates expect a list of values as input from the given field (these can only be used on multi-select boxes and checkbox-sets). They ensure that the number of returned values is (greater than|less than|equal to) a specified number.

  • picked-more-than? Num -> ([String] -> Bool)
  • picked-fewer-than? Num -> ([String] -> Bool)
  • picked-exactly? Num -> ([String] -> Bool)


To see some example code, check out the test.lisp file (to see it in action, load the formlets-test system and run the formlets-test function, then check out localhost:4141). An example form declaration using a general validation message:

(define-formlet (login :submit "Login" :general-validation (#'check-password "I see what you did there. ಠ_ಠ"))
    ((user-name text) (password password))
  (setf (session-value :user-name) user-name)
  (setf (session-value :user-id) (check-password user-name password))
  (redirect "/profile"))

If the validation function returns t, a session is started and the user is redirected to /profile. Otherwise, the user will be sent back to the previous page, and a general error will be displayed just above the form. The fields in this formlet are user-name (a standard text input), and password (a password input). The submit button will read "Login" (by default, it reads "Submit").

You would display the above formlet as follows:

(define-easy-handler (login-page :uri "/") ()
  (form-template (show-formlet login)))

An instance of the formlet named login is created as part of the define-formlet call above. Calling show-formlet with the appropriate formlet name causes the full HTML of the formlet to be generated. If any values appropiate for this formlet are found in session (or if you passed in a set using the :default-values argument to show-formlet), they will be displayed as default form values (passwords and recaptcha fields are never stored in session, so even if you redefine the password show method to display its value, it will not). If any errors appropriate for this formlet are present, they are shown alongside the associated input.

An example form using individual input validation:

(def-formlet (register :submit "Register")
     ((user-name text :validation ((not-blank?) "You can't leave this field blank"
                                       #`unique-username? "That name has already been taken"))
      (password password :validation (longer-than? 4) "Your password must be longer than 4 characters")
      (confirm-password password :validation ((same-as? "password") "You must enter the same password in 'confirm password'"))
      (captcha recaptcha))
  (let ((id (register user-name password)))
    (setf (session-value :user-name) user-name)
    (setf (session-value :user-id) id)
    (redirect "/profile")))

You'd display this the same way as above, and the same principles apply. The only difference is that, instead of a single error being displayed on a validation failure, one is displayed next to each input. In this case, it's a series of 4 (recaptchas are the odd duck; they have their very own validate method, which you can see in recaptcha.lisp, so no additional declaration is needed). If all of them pass, the user is redirected to /profile, otherwise a list of errors and user inputs is returned to register-page.

A single field declaration looks like this (the validation parameter is a list of ((predicate-function error-message) ...)

    (field-name field-type &key size value-set default-value validation)
  • The field name is used to generate a label and name for the form field.
  • The type signifies what kind of input will be displayed (currently, the system supports text, textarea, password, file, checkbox, select, radio-set, multi-select, checkbox-set or recaptcha. A special note, in order to use the recaptcha input type, you need to setf the formlets:*private-key* and formlets:*public-key* as appropriate for your recaptcha account.

A formlet declaration breaks down as

    ((name &key general-validation (submit "Submit")) (&rest fields) &rest on-success)
  • name is used to generate the CSS id and name of the form, as well as determine the final name of this formlets' instance and validation handler.
  • fields should be one or more form fields as defined above
  • submit is just the text that will appear on this formlets' submit button
  • If the general-validation is present, any field-specific validation values are ignored, and the form is validated according to this function/message sequence (general-validation here expects the same input as validation in the field declaration). Any general validation functions are going to be applyed to the list of all values for the formlet (for instance, in the login example above, check-password would be applyed to (list user-name password)
  • Finally, on-success is a body parameter that determines what to do if the form validates properly