A modern error handler capable of logging and formatting errors in a variety of ways.
- 0
Returning an HTTP 500 error without differentiating error levels is a really BAD idea
#59 opened by diegorivera - 0
- 0
- 1
- 4
actualize docs
#53 opened by fizzka - 4
- 1
Update the docs
#52 opened - 34
Pretty page formatter
#5 opened by sagikazarmark - 1
Inquiry: BooBoo compared to Log4PHP
#46 opened by KnightYoshi - 1
PHP 7 support in 2.0
#48 opened by chrisharrison - 6
Formatters should include a Content-Type
#21 opened by shadowhand - 0
- 2
Showing exception codes in formatters ?
#35 opened by kktsvetkov - 2
CLI not working?
#38 opened by HeathNaylor - 11
PHP 7 Support
#36 opened by thinkspill - 1
Argument 1 passed to exceptionHandler() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given
#42 opened by DemoniacDeath - 2
Composer branch alias for development
#14 opened by sagikazarmark - 2
- 1
Wrong HTTP status code on error
#34 opened by nebulousGirl - 2
- 2
Error-formatters auto-disabled in production?
#32 opened by mindplay-dk - 1
- 2
- 1
- 3
Hints adding booboo for Laravel 5
#23 opened by subdesign - 7
Suggestion on the composer name
#2 opened by harikt - 1
Composer lock file
#9 opened by sagikazarmark - 0
Test ticket from Code Climate
#3 opened by brandonsavage - 1
Change name of project please
#1 opened by silentworks