
Rate limits requests based on http headers order

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rate limits http requests based on header order


npm install header-order-rate-limit


const express = require("express");

const HeaderOrderRateLimiter = require("header-order-rate-limit");

const limiter = new HeaderOrderRateLimiter({
  perLastMilliseconds: 10000,

const port = 3000;
const app = express();

app.use(({ headers }, res, next) => {
  delete headers["if-none-match"];
  delete headers["cache-control"];
  delete headers["pragma"];

  if (limiter.check(headers)) return res.end("blocked!");


  return next();

app.get("/", (_, res) => {




Creates a new HeaderOrderRateLimiter instance with the specified options.

options: (optional) An object containing the rate limiting options: blockWhenAttemptsReach: Number of attempts allowed within the specified time window. Default: 3.

perLastMilliseconds: Time window in milliseconds to track attempts. Default: 3000.

useBackOffFactor: Expands the track window as new requests come so it becomes harder to make periodic fetches to avoid detection. Default: true.

calculateBackOffDeltaMilliseconds: (blockWhenAttemptsReach: number, rate: number[]) => void: Overrides back-off function. Default:

one millisecond * (count of order requests - 3)

First argument is max amount of requests before block.

Second argument is consecutive history of request unix times in milliseconds from old to new.

track(headers, { dateNow })

Tracks the timestamp of a request based on the provided headers.

headers: An object representing the headers of the request.

dateNow: (optional) A timestamp (EpochTimeStamp) representing the current time. If not provided, the current system time will be used. Returns the timestamp when the request was tracked.

check(headers, { dateNow })

Checks if a request has hit the rate limit based on the provided headers.

headers: An object representing the headers of the request.

dateNow: (optional) A timestamp (EpochTimeStamp) representing the current time. If not provided, the current system time will be used. Returns true if the request has hit the rate limit, otherwise false.


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