
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

About this project

An Arduino project to control up to 8 PWM outputs of an ESP32 microcontroller via bluetooth BLE. The ESP32 PWM outputs can be connected to a MOSFET in order to handle higher voltages (i.e. a 12v solenoid)

The frequencies and duty cycles can be configured independently for each of the outputs.

A web page (HTML, JavaScript) is provided to connect to the ESP32 via bluetooth: https://thepirat000.github.io/Tuner/



  • SVC UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000000
  • FREQ UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000001
  • DUTY UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000002
  • SWITCHES UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000003
  • CMD UUID: ca000000-fede-fede-0000-000000000099

Demo: https://thepirat000.github.io/Tuner/



Set the frequency for oscillators in Hertz

  • Format: d[,d[,d[,d]]]
  • Being: d=decimal number
    • d > 0: frequency in Hertz
    • d = 0: turn off the oscillator
    • d < 0: no change in frequency


  • Sets the current oscillator frequencies to 99.5, 440, 45, and 72 Hz respectively: 99.5,440,45,72

  • Sets the OSC 1 frequency to 98.7 Hz: 98.7

  • Sets the OSC 2 frequency to 100 Hz, but leave the others with the current frequency: -1,100

same as: -1,100,-1,-1

The frequency set does not trigger the frequency values saving to the config file.

Multipliers (*)

  • Format: *d[,d[,d[,d]]]
  • Being: d=decimal number
    • d > 0: number to multiply the current frequency
    • d = 0: turn off the oscillator
    • d < 0: multiply the base frequency from config by ABS(d)


  • Multiply the current oscillator frequencies by 2, 0.5, 4 and 3 respectively: *2,.5,4,3

  • Multiply the frequency of OSC 1 by 0.125: *0.125

  • Set the frequency of OSC 1 to the last written config value multiplied by 2.5: *-2.5

Increments (+)

  • Format: +d[,d[,d[,d]]]
  • Being: d=decimal number
    • d > 0: increment the frequency in d hertz
    • d = 0: no imcrement
    • d < 0: decrement the frequency in -d hertz


  • Increment the current oscillator frequencies by 100, -50, 20 and 30 Hertz respectively: +100,-50,20,30

  • Decrement the oscillator frequency of OSC 1 by 100 Hertz: +-100

Duties (/)

Set the duty cycles for oscillators

  • Format: /d[,d[,d[,d]]]
  • Being: d=decimal number
    • d > 0: duty for the oscillator (1-1023)
    • d = 0: turn off the oscillator (0% duty)
    • d < 0: no change in duty


  • Set the duties to 512 for all the oscillators: /512,512,512,512

  • Set the duty for OSC 1 to 900: /900

  • Set the duty for OSC 1 to 900 and OSC 4 to 400: /900,-1,-1,400

File system low-level commands


List all files in flash memory

  • Format: dir

Example: dir


Logs the content of a file

  • Format: type [fileName]
  • Being
    • fileName: the full file name (cannot contain spaces)

Example: type /init.cmd


Deletes a file

  • Format: del [fileName]
  • Being
    • fileName: the full file name to delete (cannot contain spaces)

Example: del /p0


Creates a new file

  • Format: create [fileName] [contents]
  • Being
    • fileName: the full file name to create (cannot contain spaces)
    • contents: the textual contents of the file


Create a preset file: create /p0 220,440,620,840|512,512,512,512|1111

The preset file can be loaded with "load" command: load 0

Create a song file: create /song1 mF440,520:1:512,512|2,1.5:1|f460,540:2|a1,1:1|=4|A10:1|L0

The song file can be played with "play" command: play /song1

Create a command file: create /up-down do repeat 10|+1|delay 0.2 ; repeat 10|+-1|delay 0.2 ; off

The command file can be executed with "exec" command: exec /up-down

Create a parametrized command file: create /up-down do repeat {0}|+{1}|delay {2} ; repeat {0}|+-{1}|delay {2} ; off

The command file can be executed with "exec" command: exec /up-down 10,1,0.2

Generic commands

Switch oscillators

Turn off (off)

Turn off an oscillator

  • Format: off [n]
  • Being
    • n > 0: the oscillator number to turn off
    • n missing: turn off all the oscillators (default)

Example: off 1

Will turn off the first oscillator

Turn on (on)

Turn on an oscillator

  • Format: on [n]
  • Being:
    • n > 0: the oscillator number to turn on
    • n missing: turn off all the oscillators (default)

Example: on 1

Will turn on the first oscillator



Will save the current frequencies, duties and switches to a preset file

  • Format: save i
  • Being:
    • i >= 0: Preset index (default is 0)

Example: save 0


Will load and set the frequency, duty, and switches values from the preset file

  • Format: load i
  • Being:
    • i >= 0: Preset index (default is 0)

Example: load 0

Presets format

  • Format: f,f,f,f|d,d,d,d|ssss
  • Being:
    • f: Frequency values
    • d: Duty values
    • s: switch value


Play a song by index (play)

  • Format: play SongIndex[,Iterations[,Speed[,Variation]]]
  • Being:
    • SongIndex=The song index to play
    • Iterations=Times to repeat the song (default is 1)
      • value>0: Times to repeat
      • value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
    • Speed=(optional) Speed to play at (1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed, 0.5 is half speed) (default is 1)
      • value>0: Multiply speed by x
    • Variation=(optional) number:
      • value>0: randomize the steps order with the given number as seed.
      • value=0: pseudo randomize steps
      • value<0: no randomizing (default)


  • Play the song at index 0, no repetition, at normal speed play 0

  • Play the song at index 1, repeat 10 times, at 5x speed play 1,10,5

  • Play the song at index 1, repeat 20 times, at 4x speed, with pseudo-random steps order play 1,20,4,0

  • Play the song at index 0, Repeat 2 times, at 1.5x speed, using a randomization for the steps with seed = 5 play 0,2,1.5,5

Play a song by file name (play)

  • Format: play SongFileName[,Iterations[,Speed[,Variation]]]
  • Being:
    • SongFileName=The song full file name (the file must exists, can be created with CREATE command)
    • Iterations=Times to repeat the song (default is 1)
      • value>0: Times to repeat
      • value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
    • Speed=(optional) Speed to play at (1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed, 0.5 is half speed) (default is 1)
      • value>0: Multiply speed by x
    • Variation=(optional) number:
      • value>0: randomize the steps order with the given number as seed.
      • value=0: pseudo randomize steps
      • value<0: no randomizing (default)


  • Play the song at file song1, no repetition, at normal speed play song1

  • Play the song at file song2, repeat 10 times, at 5x speed play song2,10,5

  • Play the song at file song3, repeat 20 times, at 4x speed, with pseudo-random steps order play song3,20,4,0

  • Play the song at file song4, Repeat 2 times, at 1.5x speed, using a randomization for the steps with seed = 5 play song4,2,1.5,5

Song format

  • Format: DefaultStepType StepsPSV (no space separation)

  • Being

    • DefaultStepType:

      • F: Set the base and current frequency
      • f: Set the current frequency
      • M: Multiply the base frequency
      • m: Multiply the current frequency
      • A: Increment the base frequency
      • a: Increment the current frequency
    • StepsPSV: Pipe (|) separated list of steps

      • Step format: [StepType]OperandValuesCSV:DurationInSeconds[:DutiesCSV]
      • Being
        • StepType: One of
          • F: Set the base and current frequency
          • f: Set the current frequency
          • M: Multiply the base frequency and set current as base * operand
          • m: Multiply the current frequency
          • A: Increment the base frequency and set current as base + operand
          • a: Increment the current frequency
          • L or l: Loads the freqs, duties and switches from a preset
          • S or s: Saves the current freqs, duties and switches values in a preset
          • =: Repeat the step #operand (first step is 1, etc)
          • NULL: If no StepType is specified, the DefaultStepType is used

Sample Song:


  • Description

    • Default step type is "m" (multiply the current frequency)
      • 1st step: Set the first two oscillators base frequencies to 440 and 520 hz respectively, set the first two oscillator duties to 512, and wait 1 second
      • 2nd step: Multiply the first two oscillators current frequencies by 2 and 1.5 respectively, and wait 1 second
      • 3rd step: Set the first two oscillators current frequencies to 460 and 540 hz respectively, and wait 2 seconds
      • 4th step: Increment the first two oscillators current frequencies by 1, and wait 1 second
      • 5th step: Repeat the 4th step
      • 6th step: Set the first oscillator value as the base frequency + 10 hz, and wait 1 second
      • 7th step: Loads the preset at index 0

Stop playing a song (stop)

Will stop playing the current song (only available via Bluetooth)

Example: stop

Play presets sequence (seq)

  • Format: seq [StartIndex[,EndIndex[,Interval[,Iterations[,Variation]]]]]
  • Being:
    • StartIndex=The first preset index to play (default is 0)
    • EndIndex=The last preset index to play (default is 3)
    • Interval=Time in seconds to play each preset (default is 1 second)
    • Iterations=(optional) Times to repeat the preset loop (default is 0, forever)
      • value>0: Times to repeat
      • value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
    • Variation=(optional) number:
      • value>0: randomize the steps order with the given number as seed.
      • value=0: pseudo randomize steps
      • value<0: no randomizing (default)


  • Play the presets 0 to 3 in order, on a forever loop, one second each preset seq 0,3,1

  • Play the presets 0 to 15, in random order, 5 times, ten seconds on each preset seq 0,15,10,5,0

Stop playing presets loop (stop)

Will stop playing the preset loop (only available via Bluetooth)

Example: stop

Repeat a command sequence (repeat)

Repeats a command sequence a given number of times

  • Format: repeat Times|Cmd1|Cmd2|...|CmdN
  • Being:
    • Times=Number of times to repeat the command sequence
      • value>0: Times to repeat
      • value<=0: Repeat forever until it's stopped
    • CmdX=The commands to execute

Example: repeat 10|on|+40,25,30,10|delay 1|+-40,-25,-30,-10|delay 1|off|delay 2|

Loop a command sequence

Repeats a command sequence until stopped (equivalent to repeat -1|...)

  • Format: loop Cmd1|Cmd2|...|CmdN
  • Being:
    • CmdX=The commands to execute

Example: loop *2,4,2,0.5|delay 10|load 0|delay 5

Stop playing repeat sequence (stop)

Will stop playing the repeat sequence (only available via Bluetooth)

Example: stop

Multiple commands (do)

To sequentially execute commands given as a semicolon (;) separated list of commands.

  • Format: do cmd1;cmd2;...
  • Being:
    • cmdx: Any valid command (except the commands "do", "create", "exec" and "init")


do on;load 0;delay 1;seq 0,3 Turn on all the oscillators, loads the first preset, waits for 1 second and finally plays the presets 0 to 3 in order.

do repeat 10|+1|delay 0.5 ; repeat 10|+-1|delay 0.5 ; off Repeat 10 times an increment of 1 hz in the first oscillator, then repeat 10 times a decrement of 1 hz in the first oscillator and finally turn off the oscillators

Execute command (exec)

To execute the content of a previously saved file.

  • Format: exec fileName [param1,param2,...]
  • Being
    • fileName: the full file name to execute (mandatory, cannot contain spaces)
    • paramN: A parameter for the execution (optional). The parameters are replaced by placeholders in the form "{i}", being i the index of the parameter being passed

Example: exec /up-down 100,1,0.2

Init command (init)

To Set the initial commands to execute after turning on the device

  • Format: init cmd1;cmd2;...
  • Being:
    • cmdx: Any valid string command

Set a sequencer from preset 0 to 3 as the initial command

init seq 0,3,1,0

Load the preset at index 0 and then play the song 1, twice

init load 2;play 1,2


Enable debug mode via BLE

debug 1

Disable debug mode via BLE

debug 0

Switch debug mode


Refesh/Query status

Notify the BLE clients for the current frequencies and duties and prints the current frequencies and duties

Example: ?


Restart the hardware

Example: restart


Waits for the given time in seconds

Example: delay 10