
A Spotify 'Now Playing' screen designed for Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple app to display visuals of your current Spotify track. Designed to be used on a Raspberry Pi.



How to set up

  1. Ensure that Gulp is installed
  2. Log in to Spotify Dashboard and create a new client
  3. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret in src/js/_config.js
  4. In terminal, navigate to your cloned directory and install the npm packages: npm install babel-core babel-preset-env babel-register babelify browser-sync browserify browsersync eslint gulp gulp-autoprefixer gulp-babel gulp-concat gulp-cssnano gulp-notify gulp-plumber gulp-rename gulp-sass gulp-sourcemaps gulp-uglify vinyl-buffer vinyl-source-stream node-vibrant --save-dev
  5. Once installed, enter gulp to run Gulp
  6. You'll need to save a SCSS and JS file in the /src/ folder to initially compile the code and create a /dist/ folder.


I originally built this for personal use and decided to share the source code, so things could very well be broken and/or be done better.