Full resolution images of the O RLY book covers made by The Practical Dev
- 30atmBelfast, United Kingdom
- abejenaruBrussels
- beneee
- cistiCluj-Napoca, Romania
- cmsirbu
- codemasherGermany
- CorbzillaProdigious Aim Solutions
- damoonGermany, Berlin
- dennisreimannFreelance Software Developer
- dleehrIBM
- electron0zeroGrafana Labs (@grafana)
- grant-hUSA
- isonetisonet
- jayzmilesWashington, DC
- JuliCodesGermany
- kohlmannj@nytimes
- KrisSiegelPlayStation
- lkwg82DB Systel
- LuRsTCambridge, UK
- m-meierKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
- newmarcelGermany
- ocramleznem@milchundzucker
- QuantumTeaPersonal account
- rkarabut
- rogeriomarques
- sergik-ruRussia, Moscow
- ShaneDelmore@twitter
- sim642University of Tartu
- t-sauerStuttgart, Germany
- tofi86@goldflam-gmbh
- tolry@tideways
- tombruijn@AppSignal
- unixornApes Seeking Knowledge
- vensko
- walsh9USA
- xnorxnorBerlin