
A Cloudflare Stream API client for Node, wrapped around the finger of tus, and forked from the eventful larkin-nz/cloudflare-stream ... so you can easily upload videos to Cloudflare Stream. Promise.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Cloudflare Stream Promise

A Cloudflare Stream API client for Node, wrapped around the finger of tus, and forked from the eventful larkin-nz/cloudflare-stream ... so you can easily upload videos to Cloudflare Stream. Promise.

Getting Started

Let's start off by installing the package via NPM.

npm i cloudflare-stream-promise

Once you've done that, you'll want to create an instance of a CloudflareStream with your credentials.

CloudflareStream = require('cloudflare-stream-promise');

const stream = new CloudflareStream({
  email: 'boom@tish', // Account email
  key: 'XXX', // Cloudflare Account ID
  zone: 'YYY', // Cloudflare API Zone ID

Kewl. Ready to rock. Let's create an Upload from a file and some upload options (that promises to complete!):

stream.Upload(filepath, {
  name: 'bam! the movie', // this name appears in the Cloudflare Stream dashboard
  meta: { // optionally include / override some metadata
    type: 'video/mp4', // mime type is included by default
.then(e => console.log(e)) // fires on success!
.catch(e => console.log('Error', e)); // explodes into action on an error (duh)

OK, but how soon is now? You can also choose from a variety of callbacks: onStart, onProgress, onSuccess, and onError can all be included in your upload options:

stream.Upload(filepath, {
  onStart: upload => console.log(upload), // use to e.g. upload.abort()
  onProgress: (bytes, total) => console.log(`${Math.floor(100 * bytes / total)}%`),
  onSuccess: e => console.log(e) // mirrors promise resolution
  onError: e => console.log('Error', e) // mirrors promise rejection
.then(e => console.log(e)) // mirrored by onSuccess callback
.catch(e => console.log('Error', e)); // mirrored by onError callback

Groovetown. What other fun things can we do?

// get everything you've got
.then(list => Promise.all([list,
  // get just your favourite
  // get the link to your favourite
  // get the embed code for your favourite
// get bored and delete your favourite
.then(results => stream.deleteVideo(results[0][0].uid)
  .then(() => results.concat('easy come easy go.')))
.then(output => console.log(output))
.catch(e => console.log('Error', e));

API Documentation


class CloudflareStream {

  constructor(credentials: Object);

  Upload(file: String|Buffer, uploadOptions?: Object) => Object

  getList() => Array
  getVideo(videoId: String) => Object
  getLink(videoId: String) => String
  getEmbed(videoId: String) => String
  deleteVideo(videoId: String) => Null
  api(apiOptions: String|Object) => Array|Object|String|Null
  path(pathOptions?: Object) => String
  credentials: Object
  url: Object
  tus: <tus-js-client>


  email: String,
  key: String,
  zone: String,

An email is always required, it should be the email address which you use to sign in with Cloudflare.


A key is always required, it should be the API Key which matches the email address which you use to sign in with Cloudflare.


A zone is always required, and must be a valid Cloudflare DNS Zone which is accessable using the specified email address and API key.

Upload(file, uploadOptions)

Takes a local file path (or file buffer) alongside various options (including an onProgress callback). Returns a promise.

file: String|Buffer

A file is always required, and can be a path on the local filesystem or a buffer. Cloudflare recommends videos have an MP4 container, AAC audio codec, H264 video codec, and 30 or below frames per second. Cloudflare currently impose a 5GB limit per upload.

uploadOptions?: Object
  name?: String,
  meta?: Object,
  onStart?: Function (<tus-js-client: Upload),
  onProgress?: Function (bytesUploaded: Number, bytesTotal: Number),
  OnSuccess?: Function (videoDetails: Object),
  onError?: Function (errorDetails: Object)
uploadOptions.name?: String

The name option is equivalent to meta.name and appears alongside the video on the Cloudflare Stream dashboard. If not explicitly set it is derived from the path (if available): /path/to/{name}.mp4.

uploadOptions.meta?: Object

The meta object allow for arbitrary key:value pairs to be stored alongside the video. Two values are stored automatically (where available), but can be overwritten: meta.name (see above) and meta.type: 'video/mp4' (if path has .mp4 extension)

uploadOptions.onStart?: Function (<tus-js-client: Upload>)

The onStart option sets a callback to be fired when the upload starts. Returned arguments include the wrapped tus-js-client's instantiated upload object, allowing the upload to be paused with upload.abort() and then restarted with upload.start(). It is also useful for accessing other tus options and values.

uploadOptions.onProgress?: Function (bytesUploaded: Number, bytesTotal: Number)

Use the onProgress callback to keep track of upload progress.

uploadOptions.onSuccess?: Function (videoDetails: Object)

The onSuccess callback fires once the upload is complete and mirrors the promise resolution. Returned arguments include a videoDetails object similar to that returned by a call to getVideo.

uploadOptions.onError?: Function => errorDetails: Object

The onError callback fires on any error and mirrors the promise rejection. The errorDetails object argument should always contain a message with information about the error.

getList() => videoDetails: Object

Returns an array of videoDetails objects.

getVideo(videoId: String) => videoDetails: Object

Takes a videoId and returns a videoDetails objects (see example below).

getLink(videoId: String) => videoLink: String

Takes a videoId and returns a videoLink HTML string, including an anchor pointing to the video on a Cloudflare-hosted preview page:

<a href="https://watch.cloudflarestream.com/dd5d531a12de0c724bd1275a3b2bc9c6">Permanent Redirect</a>.

getEmbed(videoId: String) => videoEmbed: String

Takes a videoId and returns a videoEmbed HTML string, including a <stream> element and <script> tag to load the player in dynamically:

<stream src="dd5d531a12de0c724bd1275a3b2bc9c6"></stream><script data-cfasync="false" defer type="text/javascript" src="https://embed.videodelivery.net/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js?video=dd5d531a12de0c724bd1275a3b2bc9c6"></script>

deleteVideo(videoId: String)

Takes a videoId and deletes the corresponding video.


api(apiOptions: String|Object) => Array|Object|String|Null

The underlying method for everything except Upload. Takes a URL path (String) or apiOptions (object) and returns one of many(!) possibilities. See the Cloudflare API documentation for more detail.

  id?: String,
  type?: String,
  method?: String,
  payload?: String,
  headers?: Object
apiOptions.id?: String

Sets the path to a specific video.

apiOptions.type?: String

If included 'embed' or 'preview' are currently available.

apiOptions.method?: String

Defaults to 'GET'.

apiOptions.payload?: String

Currently not required. For sending data to an endpoint.

apiOptions.headers?: String

Currently not required. For sending custom headers to an endpoint.

path(pathOptions?: Object) => String

Takes pathOptions and returns a path to a resource. Defaults to the base API endpoint, e.g. https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/{credentials.zone}/media

  id?: String,
  type?: String,
pathOptions.id?: String

Sets the path to a specific video.

apiOptions.type?: String

If included must be either 'embed' or 'preview'.

credentials: Object

Returns the credentials supplied to the constructor.

url: Object

Returns the deconstructed base API endpoint.

tus: <tus-js-client>

Returns the wrapped . Go wild!

videoDetails: Object

Returned by a successful Upload, calls to getVideo, and for each video returned by getList.

Example output:

  "uid": "dd5d531a12de0c724bd1275a3b2bc9c6",
  "thumbnail": "https://cloudflarestream.com/dd5d531a12de0c724bd1275a3b2bc9c6/thumbnails/thumb.png",
  "readyToStream": false,
  "status": {
    "state": "inprogress",
    "step": "encoding",
    "pctComplete": "78.18"
  "meta": {},
  "labels": [],
  "created": "2018-01-01T01:00:00.474936Z",
  "modified": "2018-01-01T01:02:21.076571Z",
  "size": 62335189,
  "preview": "https://watch.cloudflarestream.com/dd5d531a12de0c724bd1275a3b2bc9c6"