
A simple repository to assist with managing entities and value objects

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#Entities A simple package to aid in managing entities and value objects.

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Add thepsion5/entities as a requirement to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "thepsion5/entity" : "dev-master"

Then run composer update.


Add the EntityTrait to the relevant class:

class User implements \Thepsion5\Entities\EntityInterface
    use \Thepsion5\Entities\EntityTrait;

    /* snip */

Now, your User class will have functions to get and set the ID. If there isn't an ID already defined for this entity via setId(), a new uuid will automatically be generated automatically using PHP's uniqid function.

##Entity Collections

The GenericEntityCollection class provides a simple API for creating and maintaining collections of entities. Entities are automatically indexed by their IDs. Furthermore, the abstract class AbstractEntityCollection class is provided so that typehinted custom entity classes can be created:

class UserCollection extends AbstractEntityCollection

    public function __construct(array $users)
        foreach($users as $user) {

    public function add(UserEntity $user)
        return $this->addEntity($user);

    public function get($id)
        return $this->getEntity($id);

    public function has($entityOrId)
        return $this->hasEntity($id);

##Value Objects

Creating a generic Value Object is as simple as creating a class and using the correct trait:

class Title
    use \Thepsion5\Entities\Traits\SimpleValueObjectTrait;

Using them is equally simple:

$title = new Title('This is a title');
$invalidTitle = new Title(''); //will throw an invalid argument exception
print $title; //converts the value back to a string

You can also define more complex rules for whether a VO is valid:

class Email
    use \Thepsion5\Entities\Traits\SimpleValueObjectTrait;

    protected function isValid($email)
        return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

    protected function onInvalid($value)
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The email [$value] is not a valid email address.");


An Enum trait is provided to make the implementation and use of enums simpler. All that's needed is to define class constants representing the enum values and then use the trait:

class UserStatus
    use \Thepsion5\Entity\Traits\EnumTrait;

    const BANNED        = -1;
    const UNACTIVATED   = 1;
    const ACTIVATE      = 2;

UseStatus::toArray(); //['BANNED' => -1, 'UNACTIVATED' => 1, 'ACTIVATED' => 2]
$banned = UserStatus::BANNED();
$banned == new UserStatus(UserStatus::BANNED); //true
$banned->is('BANNED'); //true


  • Pre-defined value objects for common use-cases