Provides an easy way to manage your pages title, meta description and meta keywords. You can set default values to be used if the SEO is not set for a page.
Update your Gemfile
gem 'seo_pages'
Then run bundle install
bundle install
After installation
rake seo_pages:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
You will need to provide a before_action require_admin in an initializer.
Create a file seo_initializer.rb in config/initializers directory
module SeoPages
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def require_seo_admin
redirect_to(root_path) unless current_user.admin?
Mount the engine in your routes.rb
mount SeoPages::Engine => "/seo"
In you browser visit the url "/seo", you can edit the Default values for title, meta description and meta keywords.
You can add a new SEO page, by providing the url identifier and the related title, meta description and meta keywords.
In application layout, add the following code.
= seo_page
You can easily override the SEO page functionality in application.html.haml. In the view you want to add custom SEO.
- seo_page_title("My Cool Engine")
- seo_page_meta_description("My cool description")
- seo_page_meta_keywrods("keywords keywords keywords keywords")