Lensing Wikipedia Anoop Sarkar, Maryam Siahbani, Ravikiran Vadlapudi, and Max Whitney Simon Fraser University, School of Computing Science Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada For license information, see the LICENCE file. There are three main parts: - Data preparation (data-preparation/). Creates a data file. - Backend (backend/). Uploads the data file to a database and serves a query system against this data. - Frontend (frontend/). Web interface which visualizes the data, querying the backend. See the documentation in the respective directories for more information. To set up the complete system follow the usage directions for each part in sequence.
Lensing Wikipedia is an interface to visually browse through human history as represented in Wikipedia. This the source code that runs the website http://lensingwikipedia.cs.sfu.ca/