1. Installation:

    • First, you need to install Streamlit. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
      pip install streamlit
    • This command installs Streamlit, which is a Python library for creating interactive web apps from data scripts.
  2. Creating a Streamlit App:

    • Next, create a Python file (let's call it hello.py).
    • Inside hello.py, you'll write your Streamlit app.
  3. Streamlit Basics:

    • The code you provided is an example of a simple Streamlit app.
    • Let's go through each part:
    import streamlit as st
    st.title("Hello World")
    • st.title("Hello World"): This line sets the title of your app to "Hello World". When you run your Streamlit app, you'll see this title displayed.
    st.write("This is Rafi Ali")
    • st.write("This is Rafi Ali"): This line displays the text "This is Rafi Ali" on your app. You can use st.write() to show any text or data.
    st.markdown("# Markdown content")
    • st.markdown("# Markdown content"): This line renders a markdown heading (level 1) with the text "Markdown content". You can use st.markdown() to display formatted text using Markdown syntax.
    st.code("""if post == "good":
        print("Hit Like")""")
    • st.code("""if post == "good": print("Hit Like")"""): This line displays code in a code block. The code snippet checks if the variable post is equal to "good" and prints "Hit Like" if the condition is true.
    • Note that post is not defined in the provided code snippet, so you'd need to define it elsewhere in your app.
  4. Running the App:

    • After creating hello.py, run it using the following command:
      streamlit run hello.py
    • This command starts a local web server and opens your app in a web browser at http://localhost:8501/.
  5. Interacting with Your App:

    • When you visit the local URL, you'll see your Streamlit app with the title, text, markdown, and code snippet displayed.
    • You can modify the code in hello.py and see the changes reflected in real-time as you save the file.

Streamlit makes it easy to create interactive web apps directly from your Python code, without needing to write HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. It's a great tool for data science and machine learning projects! 😊🚀

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