What Are Design Patterns ?
Design patterns are a way to solve similar problems in a similar ways. So, basically we are not trying to re-invent the wheel when we are building an application or a piece of code. What we want is to be able to solve certain problems in a way that we know is successful and scalable which will allow us not to run into issues down the line. When we co-relate with the android development, there are a lot of areas where you can implement these practices so that we can make the app more scalable and robust.
You can think of design patterns as a "Standard Terminology" that the developers uses to make everyday life simpler. There is a method to this madness, meaning that the team in which you are working can understand the code on the go.
Design-patterns can also give you a little heads up on how to solve a problem using the best practices. This Repository is based on a book from Gang of Four often referred to as GoF, The Bible, The Foundation book...etc
This repo is targeted to audiences with any level of knowledge in kotlin. If you have not yet started kotlin, here are some super useful links to get the learning materials that I personally recommend.
Table Of Contents
There are mainly three types of design patterns.
This pattern gives us a heads-up on how we create the objects on demand. They provide various object creation mechanisms, which increase flexibility and reuse of existing code.
This pattern gives us an idea on how various objects and components in our application relates to each other. This also explains how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures while keeping these structures flexible and efficient. This can also help you achieve some good objectives like separation-of-concerns, scalability, testability...etc.
Behavioural Pattern
This pattern gives more emphasis on how an object function inside your code. They are more concerned with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between objects.
Creational Patterns
This is a very simple/common design pattern. So, lets assume that you have few components in your application that are trying to access some external environments/utility like "Network Communication Instance". Instantiating such an instance on demand is quite an overhead. So, we basically need only "One" instance of such services. This single instance idea here is pretty memory efficient. Because we don't need an additional space in the memory heap. In other words this design pattern lets you ensure that a class has only one instance, while providing a global access point to this instance.
Kotlin gives you out of the box support for the singleton implementation using the keyword object
refer to Singleton.kt
object NetworkDriver {
init {
println("Initializing: $this")
fun log(): NetworkDriver = apply { println("Network driver: $this") }
As the name sounds, Factory is something that produces a particular type of product. Taking this in the kotlin perspective, You can think of factory as a class that can instantiate objects according to the needs of the subclass. In other words Factory method provides an interface of creating objects in the super class but allows the subclass to alter the type of objects that will be created.
refer to Factory.kt
For the sake of explanation, let's take the case of currencies. Ideally, we need to abstract the country from currency. "Abstract"? yep, you can you interface for this purpose. But as this repos is completely kotlin based we use a special class named sealed class for restricting our hierarchy.
sealed class Country
what else? we also need children of Country:
object Spain : Country()
object Greece : Country()
object USA : Country()
object Poland : Country()
object Canada : Country()
basically we write all the implementations inside the parent sealed class. This is only done to avoid confusions.
Now, let's take the nature of Factory. Do we need multiple instances of factory? nope. For this example, you only need one. Yes, I am referring to using Singleton Pattern for Factory class.
object CurrencyFactory {
fun currencyForCountry(country: Country): Currency =
when (country) {
is Spain -> Currency("EUR")
is Greece -> Currency("EUR")
is USA -> Currency("USD")
is Canada -> Currency("CAD")
is Poland -> Currency("PLN")
We are now pretty much done with the Factory implementation. Now, let's get to the real bread and butter of this methodology.
val greekCurrency = CurrencyFactory.currencyForCountry(Greece).code
println("Greek currency: $greekCurrency")
Abstract Factory
You can think of abstract factory as kind of another level on the factory method that we had seen above. Let's take the above-mentioned example, Let's say we have a display/presentation that will be fetching the data from a certain data source. This Data-source is can be thought of as an interface that will have multiple implementation. There are two key reasons for doing this:
- The presentation layer should have a clear boundary with the dataSource/Factory layers.
- The only thing that the presentation layer needs is to have a contract to the DataSource-Interface (Dependency Rule).
So, that being said, The presentation layer should get the data according to the request that they are sending. i.e. It should not care about how the data is created/delivered. Now here comes the Abstract Factory. In other words, we can think of abstract factory as a design pattern as is a creational design pattern that lets you produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Now, lets dive in to the example. We can have the two data sources as Database and Network.
Let's start with the structure of the data source:
interface DataSource
now, let's have the two implementations of the DataSource.
class DatabaseDataSource : DataSource
class NetworkDataSource : DataSource
Let's start of with a blueprint of the Abstract factory. Fow now I am using Abstract class from kotlin that gives us the structure/body for factory.
abstract class DataSourceFactory {
abstract fun makeDataSource(): DataSource
Now, let's have an implementation for the same:
class NetworkFactory : DataSourceFactory() {
override fun makeDataSource(): DataSource = NetworkDataSource()
class DatabaseFactory : DataSourceFactory() {
override fun makeDataSource(): DataSource = DatabaseDataSource()
Now here is the core part of the factory method. We need to have a static function that can give you the factory that you needed to produce the specific datasource.
companion object {
inline fun <reified T : DataSource> createFactory(): DataSourceFactory =
when (T::class) {
DatabaseDataSource::class -> DatabaseFactory()
NetworkDataSource::class -> NetworkFactory()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
This is the only implementation that we are going to use in the DataSourceFactory class for the abstracted-object delivery.
please take a look at the AbstractFactory.kt to see the complete code example.
Basically a builder is used when we have multiple parameters to initialize. This pattern will save you a lot of boilerplate code that you will need to write for the constructors. In other words, this pattern lets you construct complex objects step by step. The pattern allows you to produce different types and representations of an object using the same construction code.
class Component private constructor(builder: Builder) {
var param1: String? = null
var param2: Int? = null
class Builder {
private var param1: String? = null
private var param2: Int? = null
fun setParam1(param1: String) = apply { this.param1 = param1 }
fun setParam2(param2: Int) = apply { this.param2 = param2 }
fun build() = Component(this)
fun getParam1() = param1
fun getParam2() = param2
fun getParam3() = param3
init {
param1 = builder.getParam1()
param2 = builder.getParam2()
refer to the code example Builder.kt
Lazy Initialization
This design patterns is a very common in software development. The whole idea behind the lazy initialization is that, you will only create data when needed.
Kotlin gives you out of the box support for the lazy initialization.
class Foo {
val item by lazy { SomeObject() }
The instantiation of the object only happens when the item is called for the first time.
There is one more way of doing this when we use var
class Foo {
lateinit var item: SomeObject
fun doSomething() {
// your code
// initialization.
item = Something()
// your code
This design pattern let's copy an existing object without depending on their classes. All we need are interfaces. The copied object should provide the full functionality of the object that it was cloned. Yes, I am referring to the cloneable interface. But Again, Kotlin gives you out of the box support for implementing this. You can use this class named data for the same.
data class SomeClass(val item1: Int, val item2: Int)
you can clone/copy the same by:
val inst = SomeClass(1, 2)
val inst2 = inst.copy()
Here, changing inst
doesn't impact inst2
You can even copy the value even if you had tweaked the variables.
let's consider a code example with mutable variables
data class SomeClass(var item1: Int, val item2: Int)
you can clone/copy the same even after tweaking the values:
val inst = SomeClass(1, 2)
inst.item1 = 10
// you will get the latest value.
val inst2 = inst.copy()
If you have experience with Android development, Then you will be pretty familiar with the name Adapter. Basically an
Adapter converts an interface of a class into another interface that client expects. You can think of it as, You have
two different classes A
and B
that both have their own interfaces (Kotlin-Interface, methods .etc.) So, like we
said, The adapter pattern converts interface A
to interface B
. In other words Adapter pattern gives the class B
adapt and accept the changes that are posted from A
Consider that we have a client class that interacts with the Target class. This Target class has an interface -> that has a method named call(). On the other side, We have a library named Adaptee that has an interface -> that will have a function named specificCall().
Adapter class helps us in converting the call() to specificCall().
Interfaces required:
interface TargetInterface {
fun call(limit: Int): List<Int>
interface AdapteeInterface {
fun specificCall(data: List<String>): String
interface TargetAdapteeConverter {
fun convertTargetToAdaptee(limit: Int): List<String>
Class Implementations
class Target : TargetInterface {
override fun call(limit: Int): List<Int> = (0..limit).toList()
class Adaptee : AdapteeInterface {
override fun specificCall(data: List<String>): String = data.map { it }.reduce { acc, s -> "$acc$s" }
Adapter Implementation
class Adapter : TargetAdapteeConverter {
override fun convertTargetToAdaptee(limit: Int): List<String> {
val target = Target()
return target.call(limit).map { it.toString() }
refer to Adapter AdapterTest for more insights.
Let's now look into a hypothetical example.
In the above example, we have a class named ShapeColor(stores shape and colors). So, we had derived RedCircle
, RedSquare
and BlueSquare
. We presently have only two features, but what if you wanted to add a new
feature? - You will need to think of making use of inheritance. Consider there are a lot more features to be added in
the future down the line. Then this approach is not going to scale. This is where the Bridge pattern comes into play.
A better solution for the above problem will be to separate each features and connect them in some way.
This is how you structure the classes:
interface Shape {
fun renderShape(): String
interface Color {
fun renderColorShape(): String
Shape Implementation
class ShapeImpl(private val shapeName: String) : Shape {
override fun renderShape(): String = shapeName
class ColorShapeImpl(private val color: String,/* Bridge */ private val shape: Shape) : Color {
override fun renderColorShape(): String = "$color ${shape.renderShape()}"
This is the most commonly used design pattern, We can think of facade as an interface to a complex functionality. This will also help us in eliminating the need of designing complex objects and their memory management. In a broader sense, facade eliminates and simplifies the client side complexity and gives you a simple higher level API.
Let's consider a simple database implementation
class Database(private val databaseName: String) {
// ignore the declaration
private val database by lazy {
* consider that we are mocking the database as a hashmap for this example sake.
hashMapOf<String, String>()
fun store(key: String, value: String) = apply {
database[key] = value
fun read(key: String): String? = database[key]
fun commit() {
// mock apply
print("status of database $databaseName saved successfully!")
let's now design a User class that can in that is able to pass in values to our repository.
data class User(val userId: String)
Now, As the final step we encapsulate all the User-DB interactions inside the repository:
class Repository(private val database: Database) {
fun storeUser(user: User) {
database.store(USER_ID, user.userId)
fun fetchUser() = database.read(USER_ID)
refer to Facade FacadeTest for more insights.
This pattern is also called wrapper pattern. The basic idea about this design pattern is that you are going to attach a new behaviour to an object. But, critically you cannot change the existing code. Hmmm sounds like a Hotfix release right?... This can be because the existing code is in a different library or we want to preserve some functionality that already exists but the main idea is that we want to add some more features to it (override).
For instance, let's take a coffee machine example:
Consider we have a CoffeeMachine Interface that is having the blueprint of the functionality of a coffee maker.
interface CoffeeMachine {
// Functionality 1
fun getHotWater()
// Functionality 2
fun makeCoffee()
Now, One of my friend named Brett bought a Coffee machine CF from a nearby store. Now, This CF is made based on the blueprint CoffeeMachine.
class CF : CoffeeMachine {
override fun getHotWater() {
print("hot water")
override fun makeCoffee() {
Brett hates plain coffee, He always wanted to make add a Colombian flavour to the coffee. He came across the CoffeeMachine blueprint. He is exceptionally brilliant, so he plans to create a new machine out of the CF.
class BrettCoffeeMachine(private val machine: CoffeeMachine) : CoffeeMachine by machine {
// Rest of the functionalities remains the same.
override fun makeCoffee() {
print("add Colombian flavour")
Now, he has the flavor as well as the old coffee machine functionality.
refer to Decorator DecoratorTest for more insights.
This design pattern is applicable to problem that includes a tree structure where each individual component provides its own functionality. So the key idea about choosing this design pattern is that it works when the core functionality can be represented as a tree, and we can encapsulate(consider) them as a single entity.
Let's take the example of assembling a PC. Lucia is a friend of mine, She is smart and decides to assemble a Gaming PC. She now wants to build a system to simulate the PC such a way that each component can give its own price, and when connecting them together they give the total sum that she has to pay.
let's say, The base component (base of all PC component) name Equipment can be considered as
open class Equipment(
open val price: Float,
val name: String
Each Equipment can be logically bounded in its Composite class - you can call them as composition.
open class Composite(name: String) : Equipment(0, name) {
// To store the equipments
private val equipments: ArrayList<Equipment> = arrayListOf()
// maps each objects and find its sum.
override val price: Int
get() {
val compositePrice = composites.sumOf { composite ->
return equipments.sumOf { it.price } + compositePrice
// adds the equipment to the list.
fun addEquipment(equipment: Equipment) = apply {
fun addComponent(composite: Composite) = apply {
She has pretty much all the base classes ready. Now, it is time to select each component of her PC from the nearby store.
// PC that she is building.
class Computer : Composite("Lucia's PC")
class Cabinet : Composite("GAMING CPU")
class Processor : Equipment(1000, "Lucia's Fav processor")
class Ram : Equipment(200, "Lucia's Fav Ram")
class GraphicsCard : Equipment(2000, "Lucia's Fav GPU")
class OtherCpuComponents : Equipment(1000, "Lucia's selected set of components for CPU")
class Others : Composite("Display and other input devices")
class Monitor : Equipment(700, "Lucia's Fav monitor with 144hz refresh rate")
class Keyboard : Equipment(200, "Lucia's Fav keyboard")
class Mouse : Equipment(200, "Lucia's Fav mouse")
class PopToy : Equipment(10, "Lucia's Fav pop toy to keep near her PC")
Finally, this is how she stitches them in the UI.
//Main composite
val computer = Computer()
// Sub-composite
val cabinet = Cabinet()
val other = Others()
// Equipments
val processor = Processor()
val ram = Ram()
val graphicsCard = GraphicsCard()
val otherComponent = OtherCpuComponents()
// Equipments
val monitor = Monitor()
val keyboard = Keyboard()
val mouse = Mouse()
val popToy = PopToy()
// attaching equipments to others
// attaching equipments to others
// attaching sub-components to main component.
refer to Composite CompositeTest for more insights.
This design pattern comes into play when the program has a dependency with disk storage. Whenever you have such dependencies, fetching the files each time from the Disk is not efficient. Instead, we will provide a middle man who can hold the value temporarily for the course of the runtime(like a proxy). This is very similar to Facade, but the only difference is that, there will be an additional logic added for proxy mechanism.
Let's say, we have an Image structure that can display an Image
interface Image {
fun display()
Function to fetch the image from Disk
class RealImage(private val filename: String) : Image {
override fun display() {
println("RealImage: Displaying $filename")
private fun loadFromDisk(filename: String) {
println("RealImage: Loading $filename")
init {
class ProxyImage(private val filename: String) : Image {
private var realImage: RealImage? = null
override fun display() {
println("ProxyImage: Displaying $filename")
if (realImage == null) {
realImage = RealImage(filename)
refer to Proxy ProxyTest for more insights.
The observer is quite a common patterns, it allows us to notify a set of subscribers a certain even that have occurred. So, basically at it core this design pattern describes a subscription mechanism. So, in real life, you can think of it when you subscribe for a magazine/youtube channel. Everytime something is published to that service, the user gets a notification. So that is the same idea here. Observer pattern allows the object to be an observer of a service. This allows us to notify multiple objects simultaneously, and in a broader view, this pattern showcases one-many relationship.
This is the general diagram of the observer pattern. Like the other patterns, Observer also work on top of interfaces. The event-manager has two functionalities. Store the references of the subscribers, and notify the subscribers. Event generator will make the event manager to push the events to the subscribers.
Let's consider a typical push notification service for the code example:
Basic push event
// Logs the name of the event
data class PushEvent(val eventName: String)
Event manager
class EventManager(vararg operations: String) {
// Storage
var listeners = hashMapOf<String, ArrayList<EventListener>>()
init {
for (operation in operations) {
listeners[operation] = ArrayList()
// Subscription.
fun subscribe(eventType: String, listener: EventListener) {
val users = listeners[eventType]
// removal of subscription.
fun unsubscribe(eventType: String, listener: EventListener) {
val users = listeners[eventType]
// Pushing events to subscribers.
fun notify(eventType: String, file: PushEvent) {
val users = listeners[eventType]
users?.let {
for (listener in it) {
listener.update(eventType, file)
Event generator
class EventGenerator {
var events = EventManager("a", "b")
private set
private lateinit var pushEvent: PushEvent
fun generateEventA(filePath: String) {
pushEvent = PushEvent(filePath)
events.notify("a", pushEvent)
fun generateEventB() {
pushEvent.let {
events.notify("b", pushEvent)
Simple notifications services
// sending event via email
class EmailNotificationListener(private val email: String) : EventListener {
override fun update(eventType: String, pushEvent: PushEvent) {
println("Email to $email: Someone has performed $eventType operation.")
// Logging event to file
class LogOpenListener(var filename: String) : EventListener {
override fun update(eventType: String, pushEvent: PushEvent) {
println("Save to log $filename: Someone has performed $eventType operation.")
refer to Observer ObserverTest for more insights.
Basically this pattern implies that there are a chain of so-called Handlers
(Something that can handle requests in
some way). This is very much useful when you want to solve a problem that has to process certain requests in n-number of
steps to produce the result.
has the authority to pass-on a request without processing them.- You don't need to start form the first
in the chain, instead, you can start from any of theHandlers
in the chain. Handlers
has the potential to break the chain and return a specific result.
Let's see an example in android where we apply this design pattern.
Request header creation is a common thing that developers does, let's take that as a typical example for projecting the use of this behavioural pattern.
Basic structure of the handler chain
interface HandlerChain {
fun addHeader(inputHeader: String): String
Implementations of Handler chain:
// Auth Header
class AuthenticationHeader(val token: String?, var next: HandlerChain? = null) : HandlerChain {
override fun addHeader(inputHeader: String) =
"$inputHeader\nAuthorization: $token"
.let { next?.addHeader(it) ?: it }
// Content type header
class ContentTypeHeader(val contentType: String, var next: HandlerChain? = null) : HandlerChain {
override fun addHeader(inputHeader: String) =
"$inputHeader\nContentType: $contentType"
.let { next?.addHeader(it) ?: it }
// Payload header
class BodyPayloadHeader(val body: String, var next: HandlerChain? = null) : HandlerChain {
override fun addHeader(inputHeader: String) =
.let { next?.addHeader(it) ?: it }
refer to ChainOfResponsibilities ChainOfResponsibilitiesTest for more insights.
Creating chain-of-responsibility
val authenticationHeader = AuthenticationHeader("token")
val contentTypeHeader = ContentTypeHeader("application/json")
val bodyPayloadHeader = BodyPayloadHeader("Body: {\"username\" = \"joseph\"}")
authenticationHeader.next = contentTypeHeader
contentTypeHeader.next = bodyPayloadHeader
val messageWithAuthentication = authenticationHeader.addHeader("Headers with authentication")
val messageWithoutAuthentication = contentTypeHeader.addHeader("Headers without authentication")
Command is a behavioral design pattern that turns a request into a stand-alone object that contains all information about the request. This transformation lets you pass requests as a method arguments, delay or queue a request’s execution, and support undoable operations.
In Android, Event-Bus library is a typical example of command pattern.
Let's consider a simple Add-to-cart / checkout scenario.
Let's have a unified interface for command.
interface Command {
fun execute()
Add to cart and checkout commands
class OrderAddCommand(val id: Long) : Command {
override fun execute() {
println("Adding order with id $id")
class OrderCheckoutCommand(val id: Long) : Command {
override fun execute() {
println("Paying for order with id $id")
Class that processes the command
class CommandProcessor {
private val queue = arrayListOf<Command>()
fun addToQueue(command: Command): CommandProcessor = apply { queue.add(command) }
fun processCommands(): CommandProcessor = apply {
queue.forEach { it.execute() }
Example for firing commands
refer to Command CommandTest for more insights.
Strategy is a behavioral design pattern that lets you define a family of algorithms, put each of them into a separate class, and make their objects interchangeable.
Let's consider a simple scenario of printing a certain string in different format:
class Printer(private val stringFormatterStrategy: (String) -> String) {
fun printString(message: String) {
Now, if you closely take a look at this printer class, you can see that there is a generic strategy (constructor) with which you can print a given string. Now, Let's formulate our strategies
val lowercaseFormatter = { it: String -> it.toLowerCase() }
val uppercaseFormatter = { it: String -> it.toUpperCase() }
Testing our strategy
val inputString = "Test for strategy pattern"
val lowercasePrinter = Printer(lowercaseFormatter)
val uppercasePrinter = Printer(uppercaseFormatter)
refer to Strategy StrategyTest for more insights.
State is a behavioral design pattern that lets an object alter its behavior when its internal state changes. It appears as if the object changed its class.
You can think of an ACCESS-TOKEN
store in android as a simple example. The store works in two states, It will deliver
an access token in when the login is completed, else it will return a state Not-Authorized-Exception.
If you take a closer look at this scenario, The Characteristics of the Store is actually controlled by state of the module.
Defining States
sealed class AuthorizationState
object Unauthorized : AuthorizationState()
class Authorized(val username: String) : AuthorizationState()
Auth store implementation
class AuthorizationPresenter {
private var state: AuthorizationState = Unauthorized
val getAccessToken: String
get() = when (state) {
is Authorized -> "<Some token>"
is Unauthorized -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
fun loginUser(username: String) {
state = Authorized(username)
fun logoutUser() {
state = Unauthorized
refer to State StateTest for more insights.
Visitor is a behavioral design pattern that lets you separate algorithms from the objects on which they operate.
Let's consider a typical example of an Ice-Cream
A store delivers a certain flavour of Ice-Cream <R>
in 3 different scoop types to a store visitor StoreVisitor<R>
i.e. a visitor that likes StoreVisitor
who likes <R>
flavour of the ice-cream.
Scoop types
sealed class Scoop {
object Small : Scoop()
object Medium : Scoop()
object Large : Scoop()
Store interface
interface Store {
fun <R> deliver(visitor: StoreVisitor<R>): R
Different flavours of ice-cream
data class VanillaIceCream(val scoopType: Scoop) : Store {
override fun <R> deliver(visitor: StoreVisitor<R>): R = visitor.visit()
data class BlueBerryIceCream(val scoopType: Scoop) : Store {
override fun <R> deliver(visitor: StoreVisitor<R>): R = visitor.visit()
data class SpanishDelightIceCream(val scoopType: Scoop) : Store {
override fun <R> deliver(visitor: StoreVisitor<R>): R = visitor.visit()
Store Visitor example
interface StoreVisitor<out R> {
fun visit(): R
Implementation of a store visitors
// VanillaIceCream lover
class StoreVisitorA(private val contract: Long) : StoreVisitor<VanillaIceCream> {
override fun visit(): VanillaIceCream {
return when (contract) {
in 1..5 -> {
in 5..10 -> {
else -> {
// BlueBerryIceCream lover
class StoreVisitorB(private val contract: Long) : StoreVisitor<BlueBerryIceCream> {
override fun visit(): BlueBerryIceCream {
return when (contract) {
in 1..7 -> {
in 7..20 -> {
else -> {
// SpanishDelightIceCream lover
class StoreVisitorC(private val contract: Long) : StoreVisitor<SpanishDelightIceCream> {
override fun visit(): SpanishDelightIceCream {
return when (contract) {
in 1..2 -> {
in 2..7 -> {
else -> {
let's see how the store works for the three customers
val visitorA = StoreVisitorA(5)
val visitorB = StoreVisitorB(8)
val visitorC = StoreVisitorC(10)
assert(visitorA.visit().scoopType == Scoop.Small)
assert(visitorB.visit().scoopType == Scoop.Medium)
assert(visitorC.visit().scoopType == Scoop.Large)
refer to Visitor VisitorTest for more insights.
Mediator is a behavioral design pattern that lets you reduce chaotic dependencies between objects. The pattern restricts direct communications between the objects and forces them to collaborate only via a mediator object. In simple terms, you can think of the mediator pattern as a middle man for facilitating the communication between objects.
Let's take an example of a chat system, where in a multiple clients communicates to each other.
This is a typical structure of the user
class ChatUser(private val mediator: Mediator, private val name: String) {
fun send(msg: String) {
println("$name: Sending message: $msg")
mediator.sendMessage(msg, this)
fun receive(msg: String) {
println("$name: Received message: $msg")
This is how the mediator looks like(Mediator helps in delivering a msg to multiple Chat users)
class Mediator {
private val users = arrayListOf<ChatUser>()
fun sendMessage(msg: String, user: ChatUser) {
.filter { it != user }
.forEach { it.receive(msg) }
fun addUser(user: ChatUser): Mediator = apply { users.add(user) }
communication example:
val mediator = Mediator()
val shinaz = ChatUser(mediator, "shinaz")
val sethu = ChatUser(mediator, "sethu")
val nikhil = ChatUser(mediator, "nikhil")
nikhil.send("Hi everyone!")
refer to Mediator MediatorTest for more insights.
Memento is a behavioral design pattern that lets you save and restore the previous state of an object without revealing the details of its implementation.
Text Editor
applications are the most common examples of this design pattern, you might be wondering where exactly in
a Text Editor
is this DP applicable ->>>>Undo button
There are 3 components for this patterns:
- Memento : Storage
- Originator : Creates a state, you may think of this as an object factory in some cases.
- Decision Maker (Care Taker): Decides to save or restore the states.
Now, lets focus on the Text Editor
data class Memento(val state: String)
class Originator(var state: String) {
fun createMemento() = Memento(state)
fun restoreMemento(memento: Memento) {
state = memento.state
Decision Maker
class CareTaker {
// Memento Store
private val mementoList = arrayListOf<Memento>()
// Saving a state adds the memento to the store.
fun saveState(state: Memento) {
// returns a memento by index from the store.
fun restore(index: Int): Memento = mementoList[index]
State restoring.
val originator = Originator("state 0")
val careTaker = CareTaker()
println("Current state is ${originator.state}")
originator.state = "State 1"
println("Current state is ${originator.state}")
originator.state = "State 2"
println("Current state is ${originator.state}")
assert(originator.state == "State 2")
println("Current state is ${originator.state}")
assert(originator.state == "State 1")
refer to Memento MementoTest for more insights.