
A complete blog web api backend with exrepress and monodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A complete blog web api backend with exrepress and monodb

live avelable: https://express-restapi.herokuapp.com/

Pre Request:

1. should be installed nodejs version 8+
2. should be install mongodb
3. Go to root directory
4. RUN: 
    npm install - To install packageg
    npm start - To start node server
    npm run start:dev To start node server on development mode (on nodemon)
    npm test - To run test cases
4. create a user using /users route, (post) method,
and minimal required field 
        email: 'email@urdomai.com', 
        password: 'yourPassword'
5. got to /login POST method enter 
        email: 'email@urdomai.com', 
        password: 'yourPassword'
     to get token 

6. Finaly go to /users (CRUD) by passing auth token in header with bearer prefix
example: Authorization: bearer <token>

account endpoints:

/login (post) for get auth token and use it as authorized token in header
example: Authorization: bearer <token>

users endpoints:

/users (get, post)
/users/id (find, delete, update)

posts endpoints:

/posts (get, post)
/posts/id (find, delete, update)

posts Model:
    userId: 'testUser',
    id: '101',
    title: 'test title,
    body: 'test body content'