
Getting Started

  1. TicTacToe 10x10 board for Human vs AI written in Kotlin.
  2. AI(Optimized Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning) written in Kotlin.

File Structure

The workspace contains the following folders:

  • src/jsMain - Contains the code for core AI and game frontend.
  • src/jvmMain - Game Server. Game works on 8080 port by default if running on localhost


  1. 10x10 playing field.
  2. The user needs to place 5 marks in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) to win.


  • The AI is build on Minimax Algorithm with Alpha-Beta Pruning with optimization to reduce the search space for moves.
  • Different Difficulty Levels (1-6).
  • The algorithm is inspired by FiveInARow game AI.
  • AI is unbeatable in a sense(I am not able to beat it.).


  • The UX is intuitive, easy to understand, and fun.
  • Minimal UI with color scheme, inspired from NextJS




  • AI performs slow for higher difficulty levels. This can be solved by coroutines but given the time constraint this is not implemented.
  • AI is working on main thread.