
A tool for running Terraform using resources defined in Consul

Primary LanguageGo


A tool for defining Terraform resources in consul and applying them in a stateless job.

What it does

  • Fetch module template from Consul
  • Fetch Variables from Consul
  • If needed, secrets are expected to be handled by Nomad
  • Generate terraform file combining template and variables
  • Run terraform init && apply
  • Upload plan and plan text to Consul

If autoapply is true AND there are changes in the plan:

  • Run Terraform apply Else:
  • skip apply

Zealot uses Consul for remote state storage. This is done to handle concurrency as well as to maintain the native terraform plan/apply state checking.


Zealot will retrieve the version of terraform desired autoamtically. Currently this is hardcoded to "0.11.1", but I want to move that into a default version under appconfig/zealot/ and the ability to override in the jobconfig. This would let each resource/job specify a version for such cases as testing a new TF version, requiring a newer one for features, or even using an old one for compatability. Of course, once a job is created, you can only go up in versions, since state includes the version it needs.

Expected Consul KV structure

Zealot expects three "root" URL paths in Consul's KV store.



This is where Zealot will look for templates and any Zealot specific config. For example, a local_file resource would store its template content in appconfig/zealot/local_file/template.

A given resource could use the local_file/ tree to add "default" parameters if the code was adapted to consult it.


This is where Zealot will look for the resource it needs to manage via terraform. For example, if we have a local_file resource named "myfile", then the root config for that "job" would be jobconfig/zealot/myfile.


This is an example

The local_file resource expects the following Consul KV structure.


The 'autoapply' and 'ChangesAvailable' values must be true or false. PlanText will contain the output from the most recent Zealot plan, while 'planfile' contains the actual plan from it. WorkingDir is where the files and work will be done.

If anything other than Content in module are empty, no resource will exist in the generated Terraform file, causing terraform to want to delete any existign resource.

Job States

The module subtree defines the filename, full path if not local, the resource name to be used in terraform, and the content of the file.

Since this is intended for "ephemeral" infrastructure such as development resources the state of a given job resource is kept in jobconfig/zealot/NAME/state rather than the root states tree. This allows you to use ACLs to control state access mre broadly while allowing the job to manage its own state.

If you wanted to have a UI for managing the jobs you would be able to get everythign you need to know about the job from the job's root.

Event Handling

I'd like to integrate the ability to send/receive events to trigger outside things. One route that would be easy to send to without additional setup is to use Consul events. I'm also considering AWS SQS/SNS and NSQ.

Another way to go would be to add the ability to call a webhook. This would be configured at the Zealot config level and would pass a JSON of the important bits such as the job that needs updating. By doing this, Zealot itself could, if a plan had changes, call a webhook that sent an email, schedule a review, mention it in a slack room, and so on.


One could alter Zealot to run as a "service" where it executed a Consul watch on the resource it manages, thus picking up changes automatically. This would require an instance per resource, but could be more responsive.

Applying Changes

Whether a change will be applied by Zealot is determined by the autoapply flag in the job's config.