Adonis Admin (Nodejs + Vue Admin dashboard)

An admin dashboard application based on AdonisJs and Adminify(based on Vuetify), see more at Adonis China. Keywords: NodeJs, VueJs, AdonisJs, ORM, Relation, SQLite, MySQL, Middleware, Restful, CRUD, Material design

Getting Start

Server Side

  1. git clone
  2. cd adonis-admin
  3. cp .env.example .env
  4. npm install && npm run serve:dev start the api server
  5. ./ace migration:refresh --seed fill database (use node ace on windows)

Client Side

  1. git submodule update --recursive --remote --init pull submodule
  2. cd adminify
  3. cp src/config.sample.js src/config.js use copy on windows
  4. Change debug.mock to false in src/config.js
  5. npm install && npm run dev start the client
  6. Open http://localhost:8080 (or another port) in your browser.

use cnpm instead npm in china

UI Screenshots

1.png 2.png
3.png 4.png
5.png 6.png

Wrokflow - Add CRUD for a resource

  • ./ace make:model -m Page, Create Page Model with migration for Pages management.
  • Open /database/migrations/1496388160682_create_page_table.js, add some fields:
  • ./ace migration:run to create table
  • Open /app/Model/Page.js, add a belongsTo relation:
    class Page extends Lucid {
      type () {
        return this.belongsTo('App/Model/Type')
  • Copy /app/Http/Controllers/Admin/Api/EmptyController.js to PageController.js, and change to this:
'use strict'

const RestController = require('./RestController')
const Page = use('App/Model/Page')
const Type = use('App/Model/Type')

class PageController extends RestController {
  get resource() {
    return 'pages'

  get expand() {
    return ['type']

  * gridData() {
    //change the fields
    return {
      options: {
        sort: 'id', //or '-id' as desc
        create: true,
        update: true,
        delete: true
      // filters: false,
      filters: {
        model: {
          title: '',
          created_at: ''
        fields: {
          title: { label: 'Title' },
          created_at: { label: t('fields.Page.created_at'), Page: 'date' }
        rules: {},

      columns: [
        { text: t(''), value: 'id' },
        { text: t('fields.Page.title'), value: 'title'}

  * formData (request, response) {

    let model = {
      title: '',
      type_id: null,
      body: '',
    let id
    if (request) {
      id = request.input('id')
      if (id) {
        model = yield Page.query().where('id', id).first()

    let typeOptions = yield Type.query().select('id','name').fetch()
    for (let type of typeOptions) {
      type.text =
      type.value =

    return {
      model: model,
      fields: {
        title: { label: 'Title', hint: 'Page Title', required: true},
        type_id: {
          label: 'Type', type: 'select', options: typeOptions, required: true,
        body: { label: 'Body', type: 'html' ,required: false},
      rules: model.rules,
      messages: model.messages


module.exports = PageController
  • add route in /app/Http/routes.js:26
  const resources = ['posts', 'users', 'types', 'comments', 'settings', 'pages']
  • add menu in /adminify/src/menu.js, then you can see it shows in left side menu
{ "href": "/crud/pages", "title": "Pages", "icon": "view_list" },
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8080/#/crud/pages you get a grid list view of all pages.
  • Press plus button to add a page, also you can edit it after added.